这是今天发布的最新智能手机市场份额数据,包括8月份(这张图表显示了从2011年8月份到今年8月份每个月的数据)。iPhone大约有20%的市场份额——然而Android市场却在疯长,现在已经有70%的市场份额了(!)。荷兰出售的Android智能手机中,几乎75%都是三星制造。如果考虑到整个手机市场——包括功能手机——iPhone占有13%(相比2011年8月的8%提升),Android占有47%(相比2011年8月的30%提升)。Windows手机仅占有1%,BlackBerry从13%跌至5%。有意思的是,在功能/智能手机市场,几乎50%都是三星手机。这当然没有包括iPhone 5,所以下一组数据将极有可能显示为苹果手机飙升。尽管如此,如果欧洲其他国家也和荷兰一样的话,苹果在其业务陈述中关注我们的数据也就不足为奇了。



Android grabs 70% of Dutch smartphone market share
posted byThom Holwerdaon Thu 11th Oct 2012 14:43 UTC
Since I love making it seem as if The Netherlands is in any way relevant anywhere ever,here's the most recent market share figures for smartphones, released today, covering the month of August (there's a graph showing the figures for every month from August 2011 until August 2012). The iPhone has a market share of almost 20% - but Android is ravaging the market, and now holds a market share of 70% (!). Nearly 75% of all Android smartphones sold in The Netherlands are made by Samsung. If you take the entire phone market - including feature phones - the iPhone holds 13% (up from 8% in August 2011) and Android 47% (up from 30% in August 2011). Windows Phone barely manages to hold on at 1%, and the BlackBerry dropped from 13% to 5%. Interestingly enough, in this combined feature/smartphone market, nearly 50% are Samsung phones. This of course doesn't yet include the iPhone 5, so the next set of figures will most likely show a spike for Apple. Still, if The Netherlands is in any way indicative of the rest of Europe, it's no surprise Apple tends to focus on US figures during its presentations.


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