

    Android从1.6(API 4)开始引入了构建和部署无障碍服务的能力,并在Android 4.0(API 14)进行了重大改进。Android Support Library在Android 4.0版本上增加了支持增强无障碍服务功能,这样就能够兼容到Android 1.6。Android鼓励开发者使用Support Library来广泛兼容无障碍服务,并针对Android 4.0中引入的更高级的无障碍服务功能进行开发。




    为了是应用程序的无障碍服务能够正常使用,必须在应用程序清单中application元素中包含一个service元素。另外,在service元素中,还必须包含无障碍服务的intent filter。为了兼容Android 4.1及以上版本,service元素还必须添加BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE权限,来确保只有系统可以绑定无障碍服务。代码示例:



    无障碍服务还必须提供相关配置,来指定服务处理的无障碍功能事件的类型以及有关该服务的其他信息。无障碍服务的配置信息包含在AccessibilityServiceInfo 类中,无障碍服务可以在运行时使用该类实例和setServiceInfo()方法来构建和设置配置。但是,不是所有配置选项都可以使用用此方法。

    从Android 4.0开始,可以在清单service元素中包含元素来引用一个xml无障碍配置文件,该配置文件可以设置无障碍服务的所有配置选项。代码示例:



    在运行时配置无障碍服务配置信息可以参考AccessibilityServiceInfo 类。



  • onServiceConnected():可选方法。该方法在系统成功连接到无障碍服务时调用。可以在该方法中为无障碍服务做一次性设置操作,包括连接到用户反馈系统服务,比如音频管理器或设备振动器。该方法还可以在运行时设置无障碍服务配置或一次性调整操作,调用setServiceInfo()方法进行设置。
  • onAccessibilityEvent():必选方法。当系统检测到与无障碍服务配置中指定事件帅选参数相匹配的AccessibilityEvent时会回调该方法。比如,当用户单击某个按钮或某个用户界面控件获得焦点时,系统会回调该方法,并传递关联的AccessibilityEvent,然后无障碍服务可以解释并向用户提供反馈。此方法可以在服务的生命周期中多次调用。
  • onInterupt():必选方法。当系统想要中断服务提供的反馈时调用此方法,通常是响应用户操作。此方法可以在服务的生命周期中多次调用。
  • onUnbind():可选方法。当系统即将关闭无障碍服务时调用此方法。使用此方法可执行任何一次性关闭程序,包括取消分配用户反馈系统服务,比如音频管理器或设备振动器。



  • 包名(package name):指定无障碍服务处理哪个应用程序的无障碍事件。如果缺省此参数,则默认无障碍服务可以处理所有应用程序的事件。此参数可以在无障碍服务配置文件中设置,使用android:packageNames属性且以逗号(,)分隔列表,或者使用AccessibilityServiceInfo.packageNames成员变量进行设置。
  • 事件类型(Event Types):指定无障碍服务想要处理的事件类型。该参数可以在无障碍服务配置文件中设置,使用android:accessibilityEventTypes属性且以竖线(|)分隔列表(比如,accessibilityEventTypes="typeViewClicked|typeViewFocused"),或者使用AccessibilityServiceInfo.eventTypes成员变量进行设置。







package com.example.android.apis.accessibility;import com.example.android.apis.R;import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService;import android.text.TextUtils;import android.util.Log;import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecord;import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech;import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech.OnInitListener;import java.util.Locale;/** * This class demonstrates how an accessibility service can query * window content to improve the feedback given to the user. */public class TaskBackService extends AccessibilityService implements OnInitListener {    /** Tag for logging. */    private static final String LOG_TAG = "TaskBackService/onAccessibilityEvent";    /** Comma separator. */    private static final String SEPARATOR = ", ";    /** The class name of TaskListView - for simplicity we speak only its items. */    private static final String TASK_LIST_VIEW_CLASS_NAME =        "com.example.android.apis.accessibility.TaskListView";    /** Flag whether Text-To-Speech is initialized. */    private boolean mTextToSpeechInitialized;    /** Handle to the Text-To-Speech engine. */    private TextToSpeech mTts;    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onServiceConnected() {        // Initializes the Text-To-Speech engine as soon as the service is connected.        mTts = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(), this);    }    /**     * Processes an AccessibilityEvent, by traversing the View's tree and     * putting together a message to speak to the user.     */    @Override    public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {        if (!mTextToSpeechInitialized) {            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Text-To-Speech engine not ready.  Bailing out.");            return;        }        // This AccessibilityNodeInfo represents the view that fired the        // AccessibilityEvent. The following code will use it to traverse the        // view hierarchy, using this node as a starting point.        //        // NOTE: Every method that returns an AccessibilityNodeInfo may return null,        // because the explored window is in another process and the        // corresponding View might be gone by the time your request reaches the        // view hierarchy.        AccessibilityNodeInfo source = event.getSource();        if (source == null) {            return;        }        // Grab the parent of the view that fired the event.        AccessibilityNodeInfo rowNode = getListItemNodeInfo(source);        if (rowNode == null) {            return;        }        // Using this parent, get references to both child nodes, the label and the checkbox.        AccessibilityNodeInfo labelNode = rowNode.getChild(0);        if (labelNode == null) {            rowNode.recycle();            return;        }        AccessibilityNodeInfo completeNode = rowNode.getChild(1);        if (completeNode == null) {            rowNode.recycle();            return;        }        // Determine what the task is and whether or not it's complete, based on        // the text inside the label, and the state of the check-box.        if (rowNode.getChildCount() < 2 || !rowNode.getChild(1).isCheckable()) {            rowNode.recycle();            return;        }        CharSequence taskLabel = labelNode.getText();        final boolean isComplete = completeNode.isChecked();        String completeStr = null;        if (isComplete) {            completeStr = getString(R.string.task_complete);        } else {            completeStr = getString(R.string.task_not_complete);        }        String taskStr = getString(R.string.task_complete_template, taskLabel, completeStr);        StringBuilder utterance = new StringBuilder(taskStr);        // The custom ListView added extra context to the event by adding an        // AccessibilityRecord to it. Extract that from the event and read it.        final int records = event.getRecordCount();        for (int i = 0; i < records; i++) {            AccessibilityRecord record = event.getRecord(i);            CharSequence contentDescription = record.getContentDescription();            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contentDescription )) {                utterance.append(SEPARATOR);                utterance.append(contentDescription);            }        }        // Announce the utterance.        mTts.speak(utterance.toString(), TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);        Log.d(LOG_TAG, utterance.toString());    }    private AccessibilityNodeInfo getListItemNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo source) {        AccessibilityNodeInfo current = source;        while (true) {            AccessibilityNodeInfo parent = current.getParent();            if (parent == null) {                return null;            }            if (TASK_LIST_VIEW_CLASS_NAME.equals(parent.getClassName())) {                return current;            }            // NOTE: Recycle the infos.            AccessibilityNodeInfo oldCurrent = current;            current = parent;            oldCurrent.recycle();        }    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onInterrupt() {        /* do nothing */    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onInit(int status) {        // Set a flag so that the TaskBackService knows that the Text-To-Speech        // engine has been initialized, and can now handle speaking requests.        if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {            mTts.setLanguage(Locale.US);            mTextToSpeechInitialized = true;        }    }    /**     * {@inheritDoc}     */    @Override    public void onDestroy() {        super.onDestroy();        if (mTextToSpeechInitialized) {            mTts.shutdown();        }    }}


  1. Android 4.4 全套源码及子模块源码的下载方法
  2. android解析XML文件的三方法之SAX
  3. Android 软键盘监听事件
  4. Android 中触摸事件的分发和拦截
  5. Android中的事件处理机制
  6. Android的事件处理模式
  7. 源码角度分析Android的事件输入系统(input system)及ANR原理分析
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  2. Android(安卓)App程序结构
  3. Android网络开发详解
  4. android 程序检查当前应用是否在运行
  5. Android(安卓)WebView 禁止输入
  6. android日志工具LogCat的使用
  7. android下如何设置系统时间
  8. Android(安卓)系统设置默认launcher
  9. Android Studio 插件(一)
  10. 处理控制器输入动作