上一篇讲解了android中Tween动画的源码分析,今天接着讲android 3.0后出现的属性动画





 private  void showAnimation(){        Animator ani = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(header_view, "translationY", header_view.getTranslationY(), 0);        ani.setDuration(500);        ani.start();    }

    private void showToolbar() {        AnimatorSet as = new AnimatorSet();        Animator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(header_view, "translationY", header_view.getTranslationY(), 0);        Animator animatorTools = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(buttom_view, "translationY", buttom_view.getHeight(), 0);        as.play(animator);        as.play(animatorTools);        as.start();    }

上述是属性动画的小demo,里面有三个重要的类: Animator,ObjectAnimator,AnimatorSet,还有最重要的类,比如ValueAnimator等,其中AnimatorSet是控制一组动画的执行。


public final class ObjectAnimator extends ValueAnimator {    private static final String LOG_TAG = "ObjectAnimator";    private static final boolean DBG = false;    /**     * A weak reference to the target object on which the property exists, set     * in the constructor. We'll cancel the animation if this goes away.     */    private WeakReference mTarget;   



    /**     * Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between int values. A single     * value implies that that value is the one being animated to. Two values imply starting     * and ending values. More than two values imply a starting value, values to animate through     * along the way, and an ending value (these values will be distributed evenly across     * the duration of the animation).     *     * @param target The object whose property is to be animated. This object should     * have a public method on it called setName(), where name is     * the value of the propertyName parameter.     * @param propertyName The name of the property being animated.     * @param values A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.     * @return An ObjectAnimator object that is set up to animate between the given values.     */    public static ObjectAnimator ofInt(Object target, String propertyName, int... values) {        ObjectAnimator anim = new ObjectAnimator(target, propertyName);        anim.setIntValues(values);        return anim;    }


Animator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(header_view, "translationY", header_view.getTranslationY(), 0);



/**     * Sets the horizontal location of this view relative to its {@link #getLeft() left} position.     * This effectively positions the object post-layout, in addition to wherever the object's     * layout placed it.     *     * @param translationX The horizontal position of this view relative to its left position,     * in pixels.     *     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_translationX     */    public void setTranslationX(float translationX) {        if (translationX != getTranslationX()) {            invalidateViewProperty(true, false);            mRenderNode.setTranslationX(translationX);            invalidateViewProperty(false, true);            invalidateParentIfNeededAndWasQuickRejected();            notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded();        }    }

 // drawing        stream.addProperty("drawing:elevation", getElevation());        stream.addProperty("drawing:translationX", getTranslationX());        stream.addProperty("drawing:translationY", getTranslationY());        stream.addProperty("drawing:translationZ", getTranslationZ());        stream.addProperty("drawing:rotation", getRotation());        stream.addProperty("drawing:rotationX", getRotationX());        stream.addProperty("drawing:rotationY", getRotationY());        stream.addProperty("drawing:scaleX", getScaleX());        stream.addProperty("drawing:scaleY", getScaleY());        stream.addProperty("drawing:pivotX", getPivotX());        stream.addProperty("drawing:pivotY", getPivotY());        stream.addProperty("drawing:alpha", getAlpha());        stream.addProperty("drawing:transitionAlpha", getTransitionAlpha());        stream.addProperty("drawing:solidColor", getSolidColor());







Animator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(header_view, "translationY", header_view.getTranslationY(), 0);        Animator animatorTools = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(buttom_view, "translationY", buttom_view.getHeight(), 0);        as.play(animator);        as.play(animatorTools);


public Builder play(Animator anim) {        if (anim != null) {            mNeedsSort = true;            return new Builder(anim);        }        return null;    }


   public class Builder {        /**         * This tracks the current node being processed. It is supplied to the play() method         * of AnimatorSet and passed into the constructor of Builder.         */        private Node mCurrentNode;        /**         * package-private constructor. Builders are only constructed by AnimatorSet, when the         * play() method is called.         *         * @param anim The animation that is the dependency for the other animations passed into         * the other methods of this Builder object.         */        Builder(Animator anim) {            mCurrentNode = mNodeMap.get(anim);            if (mCurrentNode == null) {                mCurrentNode = new Node(anim);                mNodeMap.put(anim, mCurrentNode);                mNodes.add(mCurrentNode);            }        }        /**         * Sets up the given animation to play at the same time as the animation supplied in the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} call that created this Builder object.         *         * @param anim The animation that will play when the animation supplied to the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} method starts.         */        public Builder with(Animator anim) {            Node node = mNodeMap.get(anim);            if (node == null) {                node = new Node(anim);                mNodeMap.put(anim, node);                mNodes.add(node);            }            Dependency dependency = new Dependency(mCurrentNode, Dependency.WITH);            node.addDependency(dependency);            return this;        }        /**         * Sets up the given animation to play when the animation supplied in the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} call that created this Builder object         * ends.         *         * @param anim The animation that will play when the animation supplied to the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} method ends.         */        public Builder before(Animator anim) {            mReversible = false;            Node node = mNodeMap.get(anim);            if (node == null) {                node = new Node(anim);                mNodeMap.put(anim, node);                mNodes.add(node);            }            Dependency dependency = new Dependency(mCurrentNode, Dependency.AFTER);            node.addDependency(dependency);            return this;        }        /**         * Sets up the given animation to play when the animation supplied in the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} call that created this Builder object         * to start when the animation supplied in this method call ends.         *         * @param anim The animation whose end will cause the animation supplied to the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} method to play.         */        public Builder after(Animator anim) {            mReversible = false;            Node node = mNodeMap.get(anim);            if (node == null) {                node = new Node(anim);                mNodeMap.put(anim, node);                mNodes.add(node);            }            Dependency dependency = new Dependency(node, Dependency.AFTER);            mCurrentNode.addDependency(dependency);            return this;        }        /**         * Sets up the animation supplied in the         * {@link AnimatorSet#play(Animator)} call that created this Builder object         * to play when the given amount of time elapses.         *         * @param delay The number of milliseconds that should elapse before the         * animation starts.         */        public Builder after(long delay) {            // setup dummy ValueAnimator just to run the clock            ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f);            anim.setDuration(delay);            after(anim);            return this;        }    }


after(Animator anim) :将现有动画插入到传入动画之后执行

after(long delay) 将现有动画延迟指定毫秒后执行

before(Animator anim) 将现有动画插入到传入的动画之前执行

with(Animator anim)  将现有动画和传入的动画同时执行




在android 3.1之后,android为大家提供了ViewPropertyAnimator类,其实我们发现上述使用是不是感觉有点繁琐,明明一个TextView设置内容:









  1. LayoutTransition 容器布局动画
  2. Android L / 5.0 帮助文档 API21文档 sample demo源码 下载
  3. Android中XML的命名空间、自定义属性
  4. 【Android】AsyncTask原理应用及源码关键部分解析
  5. Android系统定制和源码开发以及源码编译


  1. android客户端利用套接字访问网络调试助
  2. android中的生命周期(新增2个函数)
  3. Android多媒体开发
  4. android翻译应用、地图轨迹、视频广告、R
  5. 自定义Android键盘
  6. Android新的menu实现——ActionMode
  7. 一个逆向程序猿的必备技能(Android)
  8. Android 自定义camera压缩图片到指定大小
  9. 如何在eclipse中查看Android提供的源码
  10. 【Android(安卓)开发教程】DialogFragmen