1 注册 mount 服务

private synchronized IMountService getMountService(){     IBinder mountBinder = ServiceManager.getService("mount");    IMountService mountService = null;     if (service != null) {                mMountService = IMountService.Stub.asInterface(mountBinder);    } else {                Log.i("mountservice","just can not get the service");            }        return mountService;}

2 获得sdcard的状态

private String getExternalSdcardState(){    String state = Environment.MEDIA_REMOVED;     try{          StorageManager sm = (StorageManager)getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE);           StorageVolume[] volumes = storagemanager.getVolumeList();            String path = volumes[i].getPath();                    if( !path.equals("/mnt/external_sdcard") ) {                        continue;                    }                    state = sm.getVolumeState(path);     }catch(Execption e){        }          return state;}

3 卸载sdcard

private void unmountExternalStorage() {            String state = getExternalSdcardState();            if (state.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {                IMountService service = getMountService();                try {                    service.unmountVolume("/mnt/external_sdcard", true, false);                } catch (RemoteException e) {                                   }            }        }

这段代码必须发在android 源码中编译,否则会报错


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