./build/core/version_defaults.mk 查看

ifeq "" "$(PLATFORM_VERSION)"  # This is the canonical definition of the platform version,  # which is the version that we reveal to the end user.  # Update this value when the platform version changes (rather  # than overriding it somewhere else).  Can be an arbitrary string.  # When you add a new PLATFORM_VERSION which will result in a new  # PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION please ensure you add a corresponding isAtLeast*  # method in the following java file:  # frameworks/support/compat/gingerbread/android/support/v4/os/BuildCompat.java  # When you change PLATFORM_VERSION for a given PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION  # please add that PLATFORM_VERSION to the following text file:  # cts/tests/tests/os/assets/platform_versions.txt  PLATFORM_VERSION := 7.1.2endif

代码参考RK3399 Android SDK


  1. Android 深入研究SQLite实例(一) 之 业务类 sqlite版本管理类
  2. Android和Linux版本对应
  3. Android 版本及别名
  4. android 各个版本介绍(截止2017年)
  5. Android api对应版本(持续更新)
  6. quick-cocos2d-x如何在windows下编译安卓版本
  7. 在Windows上搭建Android的JAVA开发环境图文教程(Eclipse版本)
  8. ionic打包apk的时候Android API版本不合适出现的问题


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