本文参照自: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/WindowManager.LayoutParams.html BRIGHTNESS系列 该系列主要用于设置window的 brightness ( screenBrightness / buttonBrightness )我们可以通过 WindowManager.LayoutParams screenBrightness / buttonBrightness 变量直接进行设置。 其中 screenBrightness 表示屏幕的b rightness ,而 buttonBrightness 表示一般按键和键盘按键的 brightness
float BRIGHTNESS_OVERRIDE_FULL Value forscreenBrightnessandbuttonBrightness
indicating that the screen or button backlight brightness should be set to the hightest value
when this window is in front.
float BRIGHTNESS_OVERRIDE_NONE Default value forscreenBrightnessandbuttonBrightnessindicating that the brightness value is not overridden for this window and normal brightness policy should be used.
float BRIGHTNESS_OVERRIDE_OFF Value forscreenBrightnessandbuttonBrightnessindicating that the screen or button backlight brightness should be set to the lowest value when this window is in front.
changed系列 该系列主要用于 intcopyFrom(WindowManager.LayoutParamso)函数中。 在函数中,首先将用参数中传入的 WindowManager.LayoutParams的信息复制到本 WindowManager.LayoutParams ,然后返回一个整数,以bite形式表示调用该函数后 WindowManager.LayoutParams的哪些信息发送了变化
int ALPHA_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量alpha是否被改变
int ANIMATION_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量windowAnimations是否被改变
int DIM_AMOUNT_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量dimAmount是否被改变
int FLAGS_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量flags是否被改变
int LAYOUT_CHANGED 用于表示layout是否被改变.这里的layout是指以下变量所包含的信息:
int SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS_CHANGED 用于表示brightness是否被改变.
int SCREEN_ORIENTATION_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量screenOrientation是否被改变
int SOFT_INPUT_MODE_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量softInputMode是否被改变
int TITLE_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量title是否被改变
int TYPE_CHANGED 用于表示成员变量type是否被改变
int FORMAT_CHANGED Constant Value:8(0x00000008)
成员变量 继承于 ViewGroup.LayoutParams 的成员变量
public int height Information about how tall the view wants to be.
public LayoutAnimationController.AnimationParameters layoutAnimationParameters Used to animate layouts.
public int width Information about how wide the view wants to be.
public static final Creator< WindowManager.LayoutParams> CREATOR
public float alpha An alpha value to apply to this entire window.
public float buttonBrightness This can be used to override the standard behavior of the button and keyboard backlights.
public float dimAmount WhenFLAG_DIM_BEHINDis set, this is the amount of dimming to apply.
public int flags Various behavioral options/flags.
public int format The desired bitmap format.
public int gravity Placement of window within the screen as perGravity.
public float horizontalMargin The horizontal margin, as a percentage of the container's width, between the container and the widget.
public float horizontalWeight Indicates how much of the extra space will be allocated horizontally to the view associated with these LayoutParams.
public int memoryType This field is deprecated. this is ignored
public String packageName Name of the package owning this window.
public float screenBrightness This can be used to override the user's preferred brightness of the screen.
public int screenOrientation Specific orientation value for a window.
public int softInputMode Desired operating mode for any soft input area.
public int systemUiVisibility Control the visibility of the status bar.
public IBinder token Identifier for this window.
public int type The general type of window.
public float verticalMargin The vertical margin, as a percentage of the container's height, between the container and the widget.
public float verticalWeight Indicates how much of the extra space will be allocated vertically to the view associated with these LayoutParams.
public int windowAnimations A style resource defining the animations to use for this window.
public int x X position for this window.
public int y Y position for this window.
ublic Methods
final int copyFrom( WindowManager.LayoutParamso)
String debug( Stringoutput) Returns a String representation of this set of layout parameters.
int describeContents() Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
final CharSequence getTitle()
static boolean mayUseInputMethod(int flags) Given a particular set of window manager flags, determine whether such a window may be a target for an input method when it has focus.
final void setTitle( CharSequencetitle)
String toString() Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this object.
void writeToParcel( Parcelout, int parcelableFlags) Flatten this object in to a Parcel.


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