1. 获取到 url

2. 根据 url 类型做处理


在 Android ,我们可以定义特定的 schemes url. 然后通过代码:

Intent intent = Intent.parseUri(url, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME);

只要有 app 在 AndroidManifest 中定义了相同的 schemes url ,就能直接跳转。


如果是普通的以 http,https,ftp 为开头的 url ,我们则可以直接

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));


private static Intent handleHttpIntent(String url, String tag) {    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));    ResolveInfo resolveInfo = getResolveInfo(intent, tag);    if (null != resolveInfo) {      try {        intent.setClassName(resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName, resolveInfo.activityInfo.name);        return intent;      } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }    }    return null;  }  private static ResolveInfo getResolveInfo(Intent intent, String tag) {    List resolveInfos = AppUtil.getApp()                                            .getPackageManager()                                            .queryIntentActivities(intent,                                                                   PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);    for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resolveInfos) {      //use the title or Remotely configured package name to find the target app      if (resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName.contains(tag)) {        return resolveInfo;      }    }    return null;  }

这种情况,我们就只能获取所有能跳转的应用列表,通过我们远程配置的 tag 来获取指定跳转的应用了。


  /**   * return the intent of start other apps by url intent   *   * @param url   *     url   * @param tag   *     Used to pick the specified application among the candidates,   *     it should be the package name or the key word of the package name   *   * @return the intent of the specified app   */  public static Intent getCallOtherAppsByUrlIntent(String url, String tag) {    if (url.startsWith("https") || url.startsWith("http") || url.startsWith("ftp")) {      return handleHttpIntent(url, tag);    } else {      try {        return Intent.parseUri(url, Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME);      } catch (URISyntaxException e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }    }    return null;  }  private static Intent handleHttpIntent(String url, String tag) {    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url));    ResolveInfo resolveInfo = getResolveInfo(intent, tag);    if (null != resolveInfo) {      try {        intent.setClassName(resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName, resolveInfo.activityInfo.name);        return intent;      } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }    }    return null;  }  private static ResolveInfo getResolveInfo(Intent intent, String tag) {    List resolveInfos = AppUtil.getApp()                                            .getPackageManager()                                            .queryIntentActivities(intent,                                                                   PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);    for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resolveInfos) {      //use the title or Remotely configured package name to find the target app      if (resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName.contains(tag)) {        return resolveInfo;      }    }    return null;  }


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