

我目前使用的系统是Android 4.4.2的,系统里已经集成了对NTFS文件系统的支持。所以我现在要做的就是将exFAT格式的文件系统移植过来。


exFAT(Extended File Allocation Table),又名FAT64,是一种能特别适合于闪存的文件系统,可支持单个文件超过4GB的大小。
FUSE 用户空间文件系统(Filesystem in Userppace)是操作系统中的概念,指完全在用户态实现的文件系统。目前Linux通过内核模块对此进行支持。







#ifndef _EXFAT_H#define _EXFAT_H#include class Exfat {public:    static int check(const char *fsPath);    static int doMount(const char *fsPath, const char *mountPoint,                       bool ro, bool remount, bool executable,                       int ownerUid, int ownerGid, int permMask,                       bool createLost);};#endif


#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "Vold"#include #include #include #include "Exfat.h"#include "VoldUtil.h"static char EXFAT_FIX_PATH[] = "/system/bin/fsck.exfat";static char EXFAT_MOUNT_PATH[] = "/system/bin/mount.exfat";int Exfat::check(const char *fsPath) {    if (access(EXFAT_FIX_PATH, X_OK)) {        SLOGW("Skipping fs checks\n");        return 0;    }    int rc = 0;    int status;    const char *args[4];    /* we first use -n to do ntfs detection */    args[0] = EXFAT_FIX_PATH;    args[1] = fsPath;    args[2] = NULL;    rc = android_fork_execvp(ARRAY_SIZE(args), (char **)args, &status, false,           true);    if (rc) {        errno = ENODATA;        return -1;    }    if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {        errno = ENODATA;        return -1;    }        status = WEXITSTATUS(status);        switch(status) {        case 0:            SLOGI("ExFat filesystem check completed OK");            break;        default:            SLOGE("Filesystem check failed (unknown exit code %d)", status);            errno = EIO;            return -1;    }    return 0;}int Exfat::doMount(const char *fsPath, const char *mountPoint,                 bool ro, bool remount, bool executable,                 int ownerUid, int ownerGid, int permMask, bool createLost) {    int rc;    int status;    char mountData[255];    const char *args[6];    /*     * Note: This is a temporary hack. If the sampling profiler is enabled,     * we make the SD card world-writable so any process can write snapshots.     *     * TODO: Remove this code once we have a drop box in system_server.     */    char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];    property_get("persist.sampling_profiler", value, "");    if (value[0] == '1') {        SLOGW("The SD card is world-writable because the"            " 'persist.sampling_profiler' system property is set to '1'.");        permMask = 0;    }    sprintf(mountData,            "utf8,uid=%d,gid=%d,fmask=%o,dmask=%o,"            "shortname=mixed,nodev,nosuid,dirsync",            ownerUid, ownerGid, permMask, permMask);    if (!executable)        strcat(mountData, ",noexec");    if (ro)        strcat(mountData, ",ro");    if (remount)        strcat(mountData, ",remount");    SLOGD("Mounting ntfs with options:%s\n", mountData);    args[0] = EXFAT_MOUNT_PATH;    args[1] = "-o";    args[2] = mountData;    args[3] = fsPath;    args[4] = mountPoint;    args[5] = NULL;    rc = android_fork_execvp(ARRAY_SIZE(args), (char **)args, &status, false,           true);    if (rc && errno == EROFS) {        SLOGE("%s appears to be a read only filesystem - retrying mount RO", fsPath);        strcat(mountData, ",ro");        rc = android_fork_execvp(ARRAY_SIZE(args), (char **)args, &status, false,           true);    }    if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {        return rc;    }    if (rc == 0 && createLost) {        char *lost_path;        asprintf(&lost_path, "%s/LOST.DIR", mountPoint);        if (access(lost_path, F_OK)) {            /*             * Create a LOST.DIR in the root so we have somewhere to put             * lost cluster chains (fsck_msdos doesn't currently do this)             */            if (mkdir(lost_path, 0755)) {                SLOGE("Unable to create LOST.DIR (%s)", strerror(errno));            }        }        free(lost_path);    }    return rc;}


common_src_files := \        ...        Ntfs.cpp \        Exfat.cpp \        ...


...#include "Exfat.h"...int Volume::mountVol() {    ...    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)    {        ...        int ntfs = 0;        int exfat = 0; //add by steven        if (Fat::check(devicePath))        {            if (errno == ENODATA)            {                SLOGW("%s does not contain a FAT filesystem\n", devicePath);                if (Fat::doMount(devicePath, getMountpoint(), false, false, false, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0002, true))                {                    /* try the NTFS filesystem */                    if (!Ntfs::check(devicePath))                    {                        ntfs = 1;                        SLOGI("%s contain a NTFS filesystem\n", devicePath);                        goto mnt;                    } /* try the EXFAT filesystem */                    else if (!Exfat::check(devicePath)) { //add by steven                        exfat = 1;                        SLOGI("%s contain a EXFAT filesystem\n", devicePath);                        goto mnt;                    }                    else                    {                        if (Extfs::doMount(devicePath, getMountpoint(), false, false, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0002))                        {                            SLOGE("%s failed to mount via EXTFS (%s)\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));                            continue;                        }                        else                        {                            goto mounted;                        }                    }                }                else                {                    goto mounted;                }            }            errno = EIO;            /* Badness - abort the mount */            SLOGE("%s failed FS checks (%s)", devicePath, strerror(errno));            setState(Volume::State_Idle);            return -1;        }mnt:        errno = 0;        int gid;        if (ntfs)        {            if (Ntfs::doMount(devicePath, getMountpoint(), false, false, false, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0002, true))            {                SLOGE("%s failed to mount via NTFS (%s)\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));                continue;            }        }        else if (exfat) { //add by steven            if (Exfat::doMount(devicePath, getMountpoint(), false, false, false, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0002, true))            {                SLOGE("%s failed to mount via Exfat (%s)\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));                continue;            }        }        else if (Fat::doMount(devicePath, getMountpoint(), false, false, false, AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0002, true))        {            SLOGE("%s failed to mount via VFAT (%s)\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));            continue;        }mounted:        extractMetadata(devicePath);        if (providesAsec && mountAsecExternal() != 0)        {            SLOGE("Failed to mount secure area (%s)", strerror(errno));            umount(getMountpoint());            setState(Volume::State_Idle);            return -1;        }        char service[64];        snprintf(service, 64, "fuse_%s", getLabel());        property_set("ctl.start", service);        setState(Volume::State_Mounted);        mCurrentlyMountedKdev = deviceNodes[i];        return 0;    }    SLOGE("Volume %s found no suitable devices for mounting :(\n", getLabel());    setState(Volume::State_Idle);    return -1;}




# ntfs-3g binaryPRODUCT_PACKAGES += \        ntfs-3g         \        ntfsfix# exfat binaryPRODUCT_PACKAGES += \        mount.exfat


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