


public static boolean isDisableAllApps() {        // Returns false on non-dogfood builds.        return android.os.SystemProperties.get("ro.magcomm.launcher3.ishome2","0").equals("1");    }


        在hotseat里面去掉allapp键的加载 ,屏蔽isallappsbuttonrank()占用allapp位置。

        1) 不再占用allapp位置

        2) 在加载workspace时,会留出hotseat的第三个位置给allapp按钮,若不取消该位置的占用,在hotseat加载时会留出空位。hotseat的初始化在hotseat.java中

        launcher3\src\com\android\launcher3\hotseat.java c>isallappsbuttonrank():

public boolean isAllAppsButtonRank(int rank) {        //add by liaoxiaomin begin @{        if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            return false;        }        //add by liaoxiaomin end @}        return rank == mAllAppsButtonRank;    }

3) home2没有抽屉,所以不需要allapp按钮。在hotseat里面去掉allapp键的加载,在hotseat.java 的void resetlayout()中初始化hotseat布局。在home2时停止加载allapp按钮。

        launcher3\src\com\android\launcher3\hotseat.java c>resetlayout():

void resetlayout() {    mcontent.removeallviewsinlayout();    //添加 @{    if(launcherappstate.isdisableallapps()){    //添加 }@    // add the apps button    context context = getcontext();    layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(context);    textview allappsbutton = (textview)        inflater.inflate(r.layout.all_apps_button, mcontent, false);    drawable d = context.getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.all_apps_button_icon);    mlauncher.resizeicondrawable(d);    allappsbutton.setcompounddrawables(null, d, null, null);    allappsbutton.setcontentdescription(context.getstring(r.string.all_apps_button_label));    allappsbutton.setonkeylistener(new hotseaticonkeyeventlistener());    if (mlauncher != null) {      mlauncher.setallappsbutton(allappsbutton);      allappsbutton.setontouchlistener(mlauncher.gethapticfeedbacktouchlistener());      allappsbutton.setonclicklistener(mlauncher);      allappsbutton.setonlongclicklistener(mlauncher);      allappsbutton.setonfocuschangelistener(mlauncher.mfocushandler);    }    // note: we do this to ensure that the hotseat is always laid out in the orientation of    // the hotseat in order regardless of which orientation they were added    int x = getcellxfromorder(mallappsbuttonrank);    int y = getcellyfromorder(mallappsbuttonrank);    celllayout.layoutparams lp = new celllayout.layoutparams(x,y,1,1);    lp.canreorder = false;    mcontent.addviewtocelllayout(allappsbutton, -1, allappsbutton.getid(), lp, true);    }}//别漏了这里的 }


        invariantdeviceprofile.java launcher3进行布局初始化的一个类。




//添加 @{private boolean hasda = launcherappstate.isdisableallapps();//添加 }@

 2)去掉抽屉时,hotseat的格数为四格,所以不能抛出异常。 ( numhotseaticons 为偶时不抛异常)

        invariantdeviceprofile( ):

invariantdeviceprofile(string n, float w, float h, int r, int c, int fr, int fc, int maapc,    // ensure that we have an odd number of hotseat items (since we need to place all apps)    if (hs % 2 == 0&& !hasda) {// 在无抽屉情况下不抛异常      throw new runtimeexception("all device profiles must have an odd number of hotseat spaces");    }    name = n;     ...  ...}


        getpredefineddeviceprofiles() :

ArrayList getPredefinedDeviceProfiles() {        ArrayList predefinedDeviceProfiles = new ArrayList<>();        // width, height, #rows, #columns, #folder rows, #folder columns,        // iconSize, iconTextSize, #hotseat, #hotseatIconSize, defaultLayoutId.        //modify by liaoxiaomin begin        /*predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Super Short Stubby",                255, 300,     2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 48, 13, 3, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Shorter Stubby",                255, 400,     3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 48, 13, 3, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Short Stubby",                275, 420,     3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Stubby",                255, 450,     3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus S",                296, 491.33f, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 48, 13, 5, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 4",                335, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, 5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 5",                359, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, 5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));*/        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Super Short Stubby",                255, 300,     2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 48, 13, 3, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Shorter Stubby",                255, 400,     3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 48, 13, 3, 48, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Short Stubby",                275, 420,     3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 48, 13, (hasDA ? 4 : 5), 48, (hasDA ? R.xml.default_workspace_4x4_no_all_apps : R.xml.default_workspace_4x4 )));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Stubby",                255, 450,     3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 48, 13, (hasDA ? 4 : 5), 48, (hasDA ? R.xml.default_workspace_4x4_no_all_apps : R.xml.default_workspace_4x4 )));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus S",                296, 491.33f, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 48, 13,(hasDA ? 4 : 5), 48, (hasDA ? R.xml.default_workspace_4x4_no_all_apps : R.xml.default_workspace_4x4 )));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 4",                335, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13, (hasDA ? 4 : 5), 56, (hasDA ? R.xml.default_workspace_4x4_no_all_apps : R.xml.default_workspace_4x4 )));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 5",                359, 567,     4, 4, 4, 4, 4, DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE_DP, 13,(hasDA ? 4 : 5), 56, (hasDA ? R.xml.default_workspace_4x4_no_all_apps : R.xml.default_workspace_4x4 )));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Large Phone",                406, 694,     5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 64, 14.4f,  5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_5x5));        //modify by liaoxiaomin end        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Large Phone",                406, 694,     5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 64, 14.4f,  5, 56, R.xml.default_workspace_5x5));        // The tablet profile is odd in that the landscape orientation        // also includes the nav bar on the side        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 7",                575, 904,     5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 72, 14.4f,  7, 60, R.xml.default_workspace_5x6));        // Larger tablet profiles always have system bars on the top & bottom        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("Nexus 10",                727, 1207,    5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 76, 14.4f,  7, 64, R.xml.default_workspace_5x6));        predefinedDeviceProfiles.add(new InvariantDeviceProfile("20-inch Tablet",                1527, 2527,   7, 7, 6, 6, 4, 100, 20,  7, 72, R.xml.default_workspace_4x4));        return predefinedDeviceProfiles;    }    

4)记得改下 dw_phone_hotseat.xml 的布局 ,因为hotseat只有5格了。


        launcher3加载流程:进入 launcherapplication -> launcherappstate -> 进行初始化环境(通过传递scontext)。进行事件监听&&初始化一些环境。例如:横竖屏、当局语言、像素密度、小部件和快捷图标数据库操作对象、应用图标缓存对象、初始化launchermode等。在初始化过后,从launcher的oncreate方法入手。mmodel.startloader(mworkspace.getrestorepage());里加载数据 。在加载完成所有快捷方式后将其余为加载完的应用布局在第一层。

        1) 成所有快捷方式后将其余为加载完的应用布局在第一层。


        launchermodel$loadertask c> run():

public void run() {            synchronized (mLock) {                if (DEBUG_LOADERS) {                    LauncherLog.d(TAG, "Set load task running flag >>>>, mIsLaunching = " +                            ",this = " + this);                }                if (mStopped) {                    return;                }                mIsLoaderTaskRunning = true;            }            // Optimize for end-user experience: if the Launcher is up and // running with the            // All Apps interface in the foreground, load All Apps first. Otherwise, load the            // workspace first (default).            keep_running: {                if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 1: loading workspace");                loadAndBindWorkspace();                if (mStopped) {                    LauncherLog.i(TAG, "LoadTask break in the middle, this = " + this);                    break keep_running;                }                waitForIdle();                // second step                if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 2: loading all apps");                loadAndBindAllApps();                //add by liaoxiaomin begin  @{                if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {                    verifyApplications();                }                //add by liaoxiaomin end }@            }            // Clear out this reference, otherwise we end up holding it until all of the            // callback runnables are done.            mContext = null;            synchronized (mLock) {                // If we are still the last one to be scheduled, remove ourselves.                if (mLoaderTask == this) {                    mLoaderTask = null;                }                if (DEBUG_LOADERS) {                    LauncherLog.d(TAG, "Reset load task running flag <<<<, this = " + this);                }                mIsLoaderTaskRunning = false;                mHasLoaderCompletedOnce = true;            }        }        //add by liaoxiaomin begin        private void verifyApplications() {            final Context context = mApp.getContext();            // Cross reference all the applications in our apps list with items in the workspace            ArrayList tmpInfos;            ArrayList added = new ArrayList();            synchronized (sBgLock) {                for (AppInfo app : mBgAllAppsList.data) {                    tmpInfos = getItemInfoForComponentName(app.componentName, app.user);                    if (tmpInfos.isEmpty()) {                        // We are missing an application icon, so add this to the workspace                        added.add(app);                        // This is a rare event, so lets log it                        Log.e(TAG, "Missing Application on load: " + app);                    }                }            }            if (!added.isEmpty()) {                addAndBindAddedWorkspaceItems(context, added);            }        }        //add by liaoxiaomin end




        launchermodel$packageupdatedtask c> run():

        if (added != null) {                // add by liaoxiaomin begin @{                if(LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()){                    final ArrayList addedInfos = new ArrayList(added);                    addAndBindAddedWorkspaceItems(context, addedInfos);                }else {                    // add by liaoxiaomin end }@                    addAppsToAllApps(context, added);                }// add by liaoxiaomin                for (AppInfo ai : added) {                    addedOrUpdatedApps.put(ai.componentName, ai);                }            }


        长按时,不该有删除选项 。

        deletedroptarget.java: 中更改长按时的监听,开始时直接屏蔽删除按钮,后来发现应用自身发出的快捷方式无法删除 所以做了如下处理。

        launcher3\src\com\android\launcher3\deletedroptarget.java c>supportsdrop():

    public static boolean supportsDrop(Object info) {        //add by liaoxiaomin begin @{        if (LauncherAppState.isDisableAllApps()) {            if (info instanceof ShortcutInfo) {                ShortcutInfo item = (ShortcutInfo) info;                return item.itemType != LauncherSettings.BaseLauncherColumns.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION;            }            return info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo;        }        //add by liaoxiaomin end }@        return (info instanceof ShortcutInfo)                || (info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo)                || (info instanceof FolderInfo);    }



if (targetIntent != null && info.user.equals(user)) {        String s = targetIntent.toUri(0);        +                        //liaoxiaomin modify for launcher add item 20190514 begin        +                        String mTargetComponentName = targetIntent.getComponent().toString();        +                        if(intent.getComponent() != null && mTargetComponentName.equals(intent.getComponent().toString())) {        +                            return true;        +                        }        +                        //liaoxiaomin modify for launcher add item 20190514 end        if (intentWithPkg.equals(s) || intentWithoutPkg.equals(s)) {        return true;        }



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  4. Android Studio 添加百分比布局库的依赖报错 第一行代码
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  5. Android将需要的日志文件LOG记录到本地文
  6. android跳转到卸载页面
  7. android 3D gallery 并 判断当前选中项
  8. Busybox for android
  9. android卸载应用工具类
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