上一篇文章 自定义ClassLoader和双亲委派机制 讲述了JVM中的类的加载机制,Android也是类JVM虚拟机那么它的类加载机制是什么呢,我们来探究一下(PS:文章源码为Android5.1)。


Android的Dalvik虚拟机和Java虚拟机的运行原理相同都是将对应的java类加载在内存中运行。而Java虚拟机是加载class文件,也可以将一段二进制流通过defineClass方法生产Class进行加载(PS: 自定义ClassLoader和双亲委派机制 文章后面的自定义类加载器就是通过这种方式实现的)。Dalvik虚拟机加载的dex文件。dex文件是Android对与Class文件做的优化,以便于提高手机的性能。可以想象dex为class文件的一个压缩文件。dex在Android中的加载和class在jvm中的相同都是基于双亲委派模型,都是调用ClassLoader的loadClass方法加载类。


  • Android5.1源码中ClassLoader的loadClass方法
protected Class<?> loadClass(String className, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {        Class<?> clazz = findLoadedClass(className);        if (clazz == null) {            ClassNotFoundException suppressed = null;            try {                //先让父类加载器加载                clazz = parent.loadClass(className, false);            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                suppressed = e;            }            //当所有父类节点的类加载器都没有找到该类时,当前加载器调用findClass方法加载。            if (clazz == null) {                try {                    clazz = findClass(className);                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                    e.addSuppressed(suppressed);                    throw e;                }            }        }
  • 想要动态加载类,可以用 自定义ClassLoader和双亲委派机制 中自定义ClassLoader的方法加载自己定义的class文件么?看看Android源码中的ClassLoader的findClass方法:
protected Class<?> findClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {        throw new ClassNotFoundException(className);    }



  • Android系统屏蔽了ClassLoader的findClass加载方法,那么它自己的类加载时通过什么样的方式实现的呢?
    • Android系统中有两个类加载器分别为PathClassLoader和DexclassLoader。
    • PathClassLoader和DexClassLoader都是继承与BaseDexClassLoader,BaseDexClassLoader继承与ClassLoader。




  • 作为ClassLoader的子类,复写了父类的findClass方法。
@Override    protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {        List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<Throwable>();        //在自己的成员变量DexPathList中寻找,找不到抛异常        Class c = pathList.findClass(name, suppressedExceptions);        if (c == null) {            ClassNotFoundException cnfe = new ClassNotFoundException("Didn't find class \"" + name + "\" on path: " + pathList);            for (Throwable t : suppressedExceptions) {                cnfe.addSuppressed(t);            }            throw cnfe;        }        return c;    }
  • DexPathList的findClass方法
public Class findClass(String name, List<Throwable> suppressed) {        //循环便利成员变量dexElements,调用DexFile.loadClassBinaryName加载class        for (Element element : dexElements) {            DexFile dex = element.dexFile;            if (dex != null) {                Class clazz = dex.loadClassBinaryName(name, definingContext, suppressed);                if (clazz != null) {                    return clazz;                }            }        }        if (dexElementsSuppressedExceptions != null) {            suppressed.addAll(Arrays.asList(dexElementsSuppressedExceptions));        }        return null;    }



  • PathClassLoader
public class PathClassLoader extends BaseDexClassLoader {    public PathClassLoader(String dexPath, ClassLoader parent) {        super(dexPath, null, null, parent);    }    public PathClassLoader(String dexPath, String libraryPath,            ClassLoader parent) {        super(dexPath, null, libraryPath, parent);    }}
  • DexClassLoader
public class DexClassLoader extends BaseDexClassLoader {    public DexClassLoader(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory,            String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent) {        super(dexPath, new File(optimizedDirectory), libraryPath, parent);    }}
  • BaseDexClassLoader的构造函数
    /**     * Constructs an instance.     *     * @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and     * resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which     * defaults to {@code ":"} on Android     * @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized dex files     * should be written; may be {@code null}     * @param libraryPath the list of directories containing native     * libraries, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}; may be     * {@code null}     * @param parent the parent class loader     */public BaseDexClassLoader(String dexPath, File optimizedDirectory,            String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent) {        super(parent);        this.pathList = new DexPathList(this, dexPath, libraryPath, optimizedDirectory);    }
  • dexPath:指定的是dex文件地址,多个地址可以用”:”进行分隔
    • optimizedDirectory:制定输出dex优化后的odex文件,可以为null
    • libraryPath:动态库路径(将被添加到app动态库搜索路径列表中)
    • parent:制定父类加载器,以保证双亲委派机制从而实现每个类只加载一次。

可以看出 PathClassLoader和DexClassLoader的区别就在于构造函数中optimizedDirectory这个参数。PathClassLoader中optimizedDirectory为null,DexClassLoader中为new File(optimizedDirectory)。

  • optimizedDirectory的干活
public DexPathList(ClassLoader definingContext, String dexPath,        String libraryPath, File optimizedDirectory) {    /******部分代码省略******/    this.dexElements = makeDexElements(splitDexPath(dexPath), optimizedDirectory,                                       suppressedExceptions);    /******部分代码省略******/}private static Element[] makeDexElements(ArrayList<File> files, File optimizedDirectory,                                         ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions) {   /******部分代码省略******/    for (File file : files) {        /******部分代码省略******/        if (file.isDirectory()) {           /******部分代码省略******/        } else if (file.isFile()){            if (name.endsWith(DEX_SUFFIX)) {                // Raw dex file (not inside a zip/jar).                try {                    dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory);                } catch (IOException ex) {                    System.logE("Unable to load dex file: " + file, ex);                }            } else {                zip = file;                try {                    dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory);                } catch (IOException suppressed) {                    suppressedExceptions.add(suppressed);                }            }        } else {            System.logW("ClassLoader referenced unknown path: " + file);        }        if ((zip != null) || (dex != null)) {            elements.add(new Element(file, false, zip, dex));        }    }    return elements.toArray(new Element[elements.size()]);}private static DexFile loadDexFile(File file, File optimizedDirectory)        throws IOException {    if (optimizedDirectory == null) {        return new DexFile(file);    } else {        String optimizedPath = optimizedPathFor(file, optimizedDirectory);        return DexFile.loadDex(file.getPath(), optimizedPath, 0);    }}


public DexFile(File file) throws IOException {    this(file.getPath());}/** * Opens a DEX file from a given filename. This will usually be a ZIP/JAR * file with a "classes.dex" inside. * * The VM will generate the name of the corresponding file in * /data/dalvik-cache and open it, possibly creating or updating * it first if system permissions allow. Don't pass in the name of * a file in /data/dalvik-cache, as the named file is expected to be * in its original (pre-dexopt) state. * * @param fileName * the filename of the DEX file * * @throws IOException * if an I/O error occurs, such as the file not being found or * access rights missing for opening it */public DexFile(String fileName) throws IOException {    mCookie = openDexFile(fileName, null, 0);    mFileName = fileName;    guard.open("close");    //System.out.println("DEX FILE cookie is " + mCookie + " fileName=" + fileName);}/** * Opens a DEX file from a given filename, using a specified file * to hold the optimized data. * * @param sourceName * Jar or APK file with "classes.dex". * @param outputName * File that will hold the optimized form of the DEX data. * @param flags * Enable optional features. */private DexFile(String sourceName, String outputName, int flags) throws IOException {    if (outputName != null) {        try {            String parent = new File(outputName).getParent();            if (Libcore.os.getuid() != Libcore.os.stat(parent).st_uid) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optimized data directory " + parent                        + " is not owned by the current user. Shared storage cannot protect"                        + " your application from code injection attacks.");            }        } catch (ErrnoException ignored) {            // assume we'll fail with a more contextual error later        }    }    mCookie = openDexFile(sourceName, outputName, flags);    mFileName = sourceName;    guard.open("close");    //System.out.println("DEX FILE cookie is " + mCookie + " sourceName=" + sourceName + " outputName=" + outputName);}static public DexFile loadDex(String sourcePathName, String outputPathName,    int flags) throws IOException {    return new DexFile(sourcePathName, outputPathName, flags);}

从注释当中就可以看到new DexFile(file)的dex输出路径只能为/data/dalvik-cache,而DexFile.loadDex()的dex输出路径为自己输入的optimizedDirectory路径。





  • ClassLoader的loadClass方法保证了双亲委派机。
  • BaseDexClassLoader提供了两种派生类使我们可以加载自定义类。


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