
Android 是建立在linux基础上的,因此Dalvik内存管理是建立在linux内存管理基础上的,android使用java语言作为开发语言,dalvik 管理内存的重要任务之一就是处理垃圾回收。
在看《java编程思想》或者其他的一些java书籍的时候,我们大概掌握了java虚拟机的内存回收机制:“标记-清扫” 和“停止-复制”。无论哪种方式,我们都需要mark bits来标记内存块(对象)是否被引用着。android 根据自身Dalvik的设计原则(主要参考进程管理),没有使用在每个对象中嵌入 mark bits的“嵌入式”方案,而是选择了“分离式”的方案。android 源码中dalvik/vm/alloc 中都代码是dalviki虚拟机用来分配内存的,HeapSource.c 文件中的 HeapSource结构体用来 管理各种heap数据。

struct HeapSource {
/* Target ideal heap utilization ratio; range 1..HEAP_UTILIZATION_MAX
size_t targetUtilization;

/* Requested minimum heap size, or zero if there is no minimum.
size_t minimumSize;

/* The starting heap size.
size_t startSize;

/* The largest that the heap source as a whole is allowed to grow.
size_t absoluteMaxSize;

/* The desired max size of the heap source as a whole.
size_t idealSize;

/* The maximum number of bytes allowed to be allocated from the
* active heap before a GC is forced. This is used to "shrink" the
* heap in lieu of actual compaction.
size_t softLimit;

/* The heaps; heaps[0] is always the active heap,
* which new objects should be allocated from.

/* The current number of heaps.
size_t numHeaps;

/* External allocation count.
size_t externalBytesAllocated;

/* The maximum number of external bytes that may be allocated.
size_t externalLimit;

/* True if zygote mode was active when the HeapSource was created.
bool sawZygote;

* The base address of the virtual memory reservation.
char *heapBase;

* The length in bytes of the virtual memory reservation.
size_t heapLength;

* The live object bitmap.
HeapBitmap liveBits;

* The mark bitmap.
HeapBitmap markBits;

* State for the GC daemon.
bool hasGcThread;
pthread_t gcThread;
bool gcThreadShutdown;
pthread_mutex_t gcThreadMutex;
pthread_cond_t gcThreadCond;

Dalvik 虚拟机工作流程:

1、sdk编译 .Java文件生成.class文件,经dx工具将工程的.class文件们生成dalvik可以执行的

* Direct-mapped "map_list".
struct DexMapList {
u4 size; /* #of entries in list */
DexMapItem list[1]; /* entries */

u2 type;

* Direct-mapped "map_item".
struct DexMapItem {
u2 type; /* type code (see kDexType* above) */
u2 unused;
u4 size; /* count of items of the indicated type */
u4 offset; /* file offset to the start of data */

DexMapItem中字段u2 type说明该item的类型。类型都枚举值如下:

/* map item type codes */
enum {
kDexTypeHeaderItem = 0x0000,
kDexTypeStringIdItem = 0x0001,
kDexTypeTypeIdItem = 0x0002,
kDexTypeProtoIdItem = 0x0003,
kDexTypeFieldIdItem = 0x0004,
kDexTypeMethodIdItem = 0x0005,
kDexTypeClassDefItem = 0x0006,
kDexTypeMapList = 0x1000,
kDexTypeTypeList = 0x1001,
kDexTypeAnnotationSetRefList = 0x1002,
kDexTypeAnnotationSetItem = 0x1003,
kDexTypeClassDataItem = 0x2000,
kDexTypeCodeItem = 0x2001,
kDexTypeStringDataItem = 0x2002,
kDexTypeDebugInfoItem = 0x2003,
kDexTypeAnnotationItem = 0x2004,
kDexTypeEncodedArrayItem = 0x2005,
kDexTypeAnnotationsDirectoryItem = 0x2006,


* Direct-mapped "header_item" struct.
struct DexHeader {
u1 magic[8]; /* includes version number */
u4 checksum; /* adler32 checksum */
u1 signature[kSHA1DigestLen]; /* SHA-1 hash */
u4 fileSize; /* length of entire file */
u4 headerSize; /* offset to start of next section */
u4 endianTag;
u4 linkSize;
u4 linkOff;
u4 mapOff;
u4 stringIdsSize;
u4 stringIdsOff;
u4 typeIdsSize;
u4 typeIdsOff;
u4 protoIdsSize;
u4 protoIdsOff;
u4 fieldIdsSize;
u4 fieldIdsOff;
u4 methodIdsSize;
u4 methodIdsOff;
u4 classDefsSize;
u4 classDefsOff;
u4 dataSize;
u4 dataOff;

第一个DexMapItem中的offset指定都位置,以及size字段指定的大小,读出header item 的数据按DexHeader来解析。

Header item 这个结构很重要,它是解析后续都引导,正如很多协议的包头。



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