
注:非常棒的IDEA IDE辅助功能

The Android tools team introduced some cool annotations you can use in your projects in version 19.1 of the Android support library. The support library itself uses these annotations and dogfooding is always a good sign, So let’s dig in, Shall we?

Adding them to our project is easy with gradle :

compile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:20.0.0'

There are basically three types of annotations that we can use :

  • Nullness annotations
  • Resource type annotations
  • IntDef and StringDef annotations

We’re gonna see what each one does and how you can use it in your project with code samples.

Nullness Annotations

The@NonNullannotation indicates that a given parameter cannot be null.

In the sample code below, we have a parameternamewhose value is null and it is being passed to a functionsayHellowhich expects a non-null string:

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        String name = null;        sayHello(name);    }    void sayHello(@NonNull String s) {        Toast.makeText(this, "Hello " + s, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();    }}

The IDE will notice this since we have a@NonNullannotation on the parameterString sand show us a warning:

A Look At Android Support Annotations_第1张图片

If we assign a value tonamehowever - let’s sayString name = "Our Lord Duarte", the warning will disappear.

The@Nullableannotation indicates that a parameter or return value can be null. Suppose we have aUserclass with a fieldnameaccessed usingUser#getName, we can write the following code :

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        User user = new User("Our Lord Duarte");        Toast.makeText(this, "Hello " + getName(user), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();    }    @Nullable    String getName(@NonNull User user) {        return user.getName();    }}

Since the return value ofuserNameis marked with a@Nullable, calling

Toast.makeText(this, "Hello " + getName(user), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

without checking for null can lead to a potential crash.

Resource Type Annotations

Ever passed the wrong resource integer to a method that will happy take any int value? Resource Type annotations are here to help you with exactly that. In the code below, we have functionsayHellowhich expects a string resource id denoted by the@StringResannotation :

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        sayHello(R.style.AppTheme);    }    void sayHello(@StringRes int id) {        Toast.makeText(this, "Hello " + getString(id), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();    }}

Since we are passing in a style resource to it, the IDE will show us a warning :

A Look At Android Support Annotations_第2张图片

Once again, if we replace the offending statement with a string resource like so :


the warning will disappear.

IntDef and StringDef Annotations

The last type of annotations we are gonna look at are based onIntellij’s “Magic Constant” inspection(we don’t need to worry about how this exactly works for our purposes but follow the link if you are curious).

Many times, we use integer constants as replacements for enumerated types. For example, let’s say we have aIceCreamFlavourManagerclass, which has 3 modes of operation:VANILLA,CHOCOLATEandSTRAWBERRY. We can define a new annotation ourselves called@Flavourand specify the values it can take using@IntDef:

public class IceCreamFlavourManager {    private int flavour;    public static final int VANILLA = 0;    public static final int CHOCOLATE = 1;    public static final int STRAWBERRY = 2;    @IntDef({VANILLA, CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY})    public @interface Flavour {    }    @Flavour    public int getFlavour() {        return flavour;    }    public void setFlavour(@Flavour int flavour) {        this.flavour = flavour;    }}

Then when we callIceCreamFlavourManager#setFlavourwith a wrong integer value, the IDE shows us an error:

A Look At Android Support Annotations_第3张图片

It even suggests what we can use as valid arguments:

A Look At Android Support Annotations_第4张图片

We can also specify that the integer can be a flag, meaning that values can be combined using'|', '&'and other opeators. If we make@Flavourinto a flag like this :

@IntDef(flag = true, value = {VANILLA, CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY})    public @interface Flavour {    }

we can then call :

iceCreamFlavourManager.setFlavour(IceCreamFlavourManager.VANILLA & IceCreamFlavourManager                .CHOCOLATE);

@StringDefis basically@IntDeffor strings.

For more info such as the new types of annotations that are planned to be included in the future, how these annotations depend upon and interact with Intellij’s own annotations etc, you can check out thetools site.

Thanks for reading. Annotate away!


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