[2011-09-14 13:44:16 - ddms]nulljava.lang.NullPointerException    at com.android.ddmlib.Client.sendAndConsume(Client.java:572)    at com.android.ddmlib.HandleHello.sendHELO(HandleHello.java:142)    at com.android.ddmlib.HandleHello.sendHelloCommands(HandleHello.java:65)    at com.android.ddmlib.Client.getJdwpPacket(Client.java:671)    at com.android.ddmlib.MonitorThread.processClientActivity(MonitorThread.java:317)    at com.android.ddmlib.MonitorThread.run(MonitorThread.java:263)



Sometimes these things just get into a bad state and need to be restarted. Close the emulator and restart Eclipse. Start the emulator from the AVD Manager window using the button labelled "Start..". In the start dialog select the "WIPE ALL DATA" button to be sure you're getting a clean start.If that doesn't solve it then try deleting your emulator in the AVD Manager and creating a new one.“


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