

public void startAnimation(Animation animation)执行动画,参数可以是各种动画的对象,Animation的多态,也可以是组合动画,后面会有。


public TranslateAnimation(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)public TranslateAnimation(float fromXDelta, float toXDelta, float fromYDelta, float toYDelta)public TranslateAnimation(int fromXType, float fromXValue, int toXType, float toXValue, int fromYType, float fromYValue, int toYType, float toYValue)


/*** Constructor to use when building a TranslateAnimation from code* * @param fromXDelta Change in X coordinate to apply at the start of the animation* @param toXDelta Change in X coordinate to apply at the end of the animation* @param fromYDelta Change in Y coordinate to apply at the start of the animation* @param toYDelta Change in Y coordinate to apply at the end of the animation*/public TranslateAnimation(float fromXDelta, float toXDelta, float fromYDelta, float toYDelta)
  • 首先被移动对象是有一个初始坐标的,下面的参数都是基于这个原点。
  • 第一个参数是动画的 X轴 起始坐标 相对于 原点 的位置
  • 第二个参数是动画的 X轴 停止坐标 相对于 原点 的位置
  • 第三个参数是动画的 Y轴 起始坐标 相对于 原点 的位置
  • 第四个参数是动画的 Y轴 停止坐标 相对于 原点 的位置


TranslateAnimation ta = new TranslateAnimation(-200,100,0,0);// 设置动画播放的时间ta.setDuration(3000);// 设置动画重复播放的次数ta.setRepeatCount(1);// 设置动画重复播放的模式ta.setRepeatMode(TranslateAnimation.REVERSE);// 开始播放动画iv.startAnimation(ta);




/*** Constructor to use when building a TranslateAnimation from code* * @param fromXType Specifies how fromXValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.* @param fromXValue Change in X coordinate to apply at the start of the animation. This value can either be an  absolute number if fromXType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.* @param toXType Specifies how toXValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.* @param toXValue Change in X coordinate to apply at the end of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if toXType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.* @param fromYType Specifies how fromYValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.* @param fromYValue Change in Y coordinate to apply at the start of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if fromYType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.* @param toYType Specifies how toYValue should be interpreted. One of Animation.ABSOLUTE, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, or Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.* @param toYValue Change in Y coordinate to apply at the end of the animation. This value can either be an absolute number if toYType is ABSOLUTE, or a percentage (where 1.0 is 100%) otherwise.*/public TranslateAnimation(int fromXType, float fromXValue, int toXType, float toXValue, int fromYType, float fromYValue, int toYType, float toYValue)



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