

想在eclipse下导入一个android工程,这个工程已经存在了,总是提示invalid project description。其实是方法错了,这是解决问题的方法:

I have struggled with this issue myself for a while and I think the reason it happens is because (for Android) there are two ways to import projects into the workspace

1) import>General>Existing Project into Workspace
2) import>Android>Existing Code into Workspace

The errors described here are related to method 2).

For method 1) there will be no overlap problems as long as you uncheck the "Copy Projects into Workspace" box if the project is already in the workspace.


http://docs.since2006.com/android/2.1-drawables.php 使用android系统下的图标资源@android:drawable/editbox_background(editbox_background是安卓操作系统的图片)


Adding imports solved the problem for me.
And I found out that actually in Eclipse they can be imported automatically:

"Tip: After you have pasted sample code into an Eclipse project, press Ctrl (or Cmd) + Shift + O to import the required packages"

Hope this refresh what have been missed.



byte[ ] 转换为 string

String str = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");

String str = new String(bytes);


String str = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "UTF-8");

byte[] byteArray = new byte[] {87, 79, 87, 46, 46, 46}; String value = new String(byteArray, "UTF-8");


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