

onCreate: 当数据库被首次创建时执行该方法,一般将创建表等初始化操作在该方法中执行。




 1 package barry.android.db; 2  3 import android.content.ContentValues; 4 import android.content.Context; 5 import android.database.Cursor; 6 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; 7 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; 8  9 public class DBUtil extends SQLiteOpenHelper {10 11     private final static String DATABASE_NAME = "db2004";12     private final static int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;13     private static final String TABLE_NAME ="students";14     private static final String FILED_1 = "name";15     private static final String FILED_2 = "password";16 17     public DBUtil(Context context){18         super(context, DATABASE_NAME,null,DATABASE_VERSION);19         System.out.println("new DBUtil");20     }21 22     @Override23     public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {24         String sql = "CREATE TABLE "+TABLE_NAME+" ( "+FILED_1 +" TEXT, "+ FILED_2 +" TEXT );";25         db.execSQL(sql);26         System.out.println("oncreate创建表");27     }28 29     @Override30     public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {31         db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+TABLE_NAME);32         System.out.println("onUpgrade删除表");33         this.onCreate(db);34     }35     36     /**37      * 查询表中所有的数据38      * @return39      */40     public Cursor select(){41         return this.getReadableDatabase()42             .query(TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null);        43     }44 45     /**46      * 插入一条数据到表中47      * @param name 字段一的值48      * @param password 字段二的值49      */50     public void insert(String name ,String password){51         ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();52         cv.put(FILED_1, name);53         cv.put(FILED_2, password);        54         this.getWritableDatabase().insert(TABLE_NAME, null, cv);55         this.getWritableDatabase().close();//关闭数据库对象 56     }    57     58     /**59      * 删除表中的若干条数据60      * @param name 一个包含所有要删除数据的"name"字段的数组61      */62     public void delete(String[] name){63         String where = FILED_1+" = ?";64         String[] whereValues = name; 65         this.getWritableDatabase().delete(TABLE_NAME, where, whereValues);66         this.getWritableDatabase().close();67     }68     69     /**70      * 更新表中的数据(修改字段二"password")71      * @param name 要更新的数据"name"字段值72      * @param newPassword 新的"password"字段73      */74     public void update(String name,String newPassword){        75         ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();76         cv.put(FILED_2, newPassword);        77         String where =FILED_1+" = ?";78         String[] whereValues= {name};        79         this.getWritableDatabase().update(TABLE_NAME, cv, where, whereValues);80         this.getWritableDatabase().close();81     }    82     83     /**84      * 清空表中的数据85      */86     public void clean (){87         this.getWritableDatabase().execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+TABLE_NAME);88         System.out.println("clean删除表");89         this.onCreate(this.getWritableDatabase());90         this.getWritableDatabase().close();91     }92 }


 1 package barry.android.db; 2  3 import android.app.Activity; 4 import android.database.Cursor; 5 import android.os.Bundle; 6  7 public class Demo04_helperActivity extends Activity { 8     /** Called when the activity is first created. */ 9     @Override10     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {11         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);12         setContentView(R.layout.main);13         14         15         DBUtil dbUtil = new DBUtil(this);16         dbUtil.insert("周杰伦", "jaychou");17         dbUtil.insert("韩寒", "twocolds");18         dbUtil.insert("郭德纲", "yunhejiuxiao");        19         20         System.out.println("***********************************全部数据息");21         printData(dbUtil);        22         23         dbUtil.delete(new String[]{"周杰伦"});24         25         System.out.println("***********************************删除'周杰伦'之后数据");26         printData(dbUtil); 27         28         dbUtil.update("郭德纲", "longtengsihai");;29         System.out.println("***********************************修改‘郭德纲’的密码为'longtengsihai'");30         printData(dbUtil); 31         32         dbUtil.clean();33         34     }35 36     private void printData(DBUtil dbUtil) {37         Cursor cursor = dbUtil.select();        38         if(cursor.moveToFirst()){39             System.out.println("当前表中的数据条数:"+cursor.getCount());40             do{41                 System.out.println(cursor.getString(0)+cursor.getString(1));                42             }while(cursor.moveToNext());43         }44         cursor.close();45     }46 }









02-07 11:22:47.361: I/System.out(962): new DBUtil
02-07 11:22:47.490: I/System.out(962): ***********************************全部数据息
02-07 11:22:47.490: I/System.out(962): 当前表中的数据条数:3
02-07 11:22:47.500: I/System.out(962): 周杰伦jaychou
02-07 11:22:47.500: I/System.out(962): 韩寒twocolds
02-07 11:22:47.500: I/System.out(962): 郭德纲yunhejiuxiao
02-07 11:22:47.511: I/System.out(962): ***********************************删除'周杰伦'之后数据
02-07 11:22:47.540: I/System.out(962): 当前表中的数据条数:2
02-07 11:22:47.540: I/System.out(962): 韩寒twocolds
02-07 11:22:47.550: I/System.out(962): 郭德纲yunhejiuxiao
02-07 11:22:47.560: I/System.out(962): ***********************************修改‘郭德纲’的密码为'longtengsihai'
02-07 11:22:47.590: I/System.out(962): 当前表中的数据条数:2
02-07 11:22:47.590: I/System.out(962): 韩寒twocolds
02-07 11:22:47.590: I/System.out(962): 郭德纲longtengsihai
02-07 11:22:47.601: I/System.out(962): clean删除表
02-07 11:22:47.610: I/System.out(962): oncreate创建表



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  5. Android SQLite 数据库存储


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