Android Studio 在更新时提示Connection failed。可修改安装路径下的bin/studio.vmoptions ,添加如下内容:

如果仍然无效,可以修改http为https试试看,然后重启点击check update。

于update对话框中更新通道的选择,建议使用Dev Channel,这个较稳定。


  • Canary channel : Canary builds are the bleeding edge, released about weekly. While these builds do get tested, they are still subject to bugs, as we want people to see what's new as soon as possible. This is not recommended for production.
  • Dev channel : Dev builds are hand-picked older canary builds that survived the test of time. It should be updated roughly bi-weekly or monthly.
  • Beta channel : Not used yet. This will be used when we'll have beta-quality releases. Right now Android Studio is considered preview-quality.
  • Stable channel : Not used yet. That will be for version 1.0 and following stable milestones.

How to Switch?

Press “Ctrl-Alt-S” to go to settings or you can find it through the file menu.


Under IDE Settings - Select Updates and switch “ Canary Channel ” to “ Dev Channel ” as shown below.



My Android Studio is finally back up and running and hopefully this saves you some pain.


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