在frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/Build.java中定义了class Build类,这个类定义了所有关于产品的参数,例如固件版本号,product 名字,板子名字等等,有些参数会在设置->关于手机中显示。

public class Build {    /** Value used for when a build property is unknown. */    public static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown";    /** Either a changelist number, or a label like "M4-rc20". */    public static final String ID = getString("ro.build.id");    /** A build ID string meant for displaying to the user */    public static final String DISPLAY = getString("ro.build.display.id");        /**a firmware realse */        public static final String FIRMWARE = getString("ro.product.firmware");    /** The name of the overall product. */    public static final String PRODUCT = getString("ro.product.name");    /** The name of the industrial design. */    public static final String DEVICE = getString("ro.product.device");    /** The name of the underlying board, like "goldfish". */    public static final String BOARD = getString("ro.product.board");    /** The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. */    public static final String CPU_ABI = getString("ro.product.cpu.abi");    /** The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. */    public static final String CPU_ABI2 = getString("ro.product.cpu.abi2");    /** The manufacturer of the product/hardware. */    public static final String MANUFACTURER = getString("ro.product.manufacturer");    /** The brand (e.g., carrier) the software is customized for, if any. */    public static final String BRAND = getString("ro.product.brand");




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