



从系统文件中读取。下面是一直TrafficStats与系统文件的对应表。(其实官方给的API TrafficStats也是从以下文件读取

Android 获取手机流量


import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.RandomAccessFile;import android.util.Log;public class TrafficStatsFile {private static final String mobileRxFile_1 = "/sys/class/net/rmnet0/statistics/rx_bytes";private static final String mobileRxFile_2 = "/sys/class/net/ppp0/statistics/rx_bytes";private static final String mobileTxFile_1 = "/sys/class/net/rmnet0/statistics/tx_bytes";private static final String mobileTxFile_2 = "/sys/class/net/ppp0/statistics/tx_bytes";private static final String LOGGING_TAG = TrafficStatsFile.class.getSimpleName();public long getMobileRxBytes() {    return tryBoth(mobileRxFile_1, mobileRxFile_2);}public long getMobileTxBytes() {    return tryBoth(mobileTxFile_1, mobileTxFile_2);}// Return the number from the first file which exists and contains dataprivate static long tryBoth(String a, String b) {    long num = readNumber(a);    return num >= 0 ? num : readNumber(b);}// Returns an ASCII decimal number read from the specified file, -1 on error.private static long readNumber(String filename) {    try {        RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r");        try {            Log.d(LOGGING_TAG, "f.length() = " + f.length());            String contents = f.readLine();            if(!contents.isEmpty() && contents!=null) {                try {                    return Long.parseLong(contents);                }                catch(NumberFormatException nfex) {                    Log.w(LOGGING_TAG, "File contents are not numeric: " + filename);                 }            }            else {                Log.w(LOGGING_TAG, "File contents are empty: " + filename);             }        }        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfex) {            Log.w(LOGGING_TAG, "File not found: " + filename, fnfex);        }        catch(IOException ioex) {            Log.w(LOGGING_TAG, "IOException: " + filename, ioex);        }       }catch(FileNotFoundException ffe){        Log.w(LOGGING_TAG, "File not found: " + filename, ffe);    }    return -1;}}


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