







   对于Android语言切换接口,在Android 6.0及以前的语言设置都是单一的语言,只能选一种语言,见下图。






   如上所述,Android在不同的系统版本为用户提供不同的语言切换功能,因此在切换流程过中,调用的接口也不同,如Android6.0及以下,设置切换语言的接口调用的是updateLocale(Locale locale),如Android7.0以上,设置切换语言的接口调用的是updateLocales(LocaleList locales),但是大致的流程还是保持一致,多的只是文件存放位置的变化,下面笔者将以Android7.0的流程进行分析,7.0以下的,读者可自行分析。


   如上所述,当用户在设置中选择对应的语言后,Android会首先调frameworks/base/com/android/internal/app/LocalePicker.java中的updateLocales(LocaleList locales)方法。

注:如果你不想用Android7.0以上的语言切换功能,可以考虑自己实现updateLocale(Locale locale)方法。

/** * Requests the system to update the list of system locales. * Note that the system looks halted for a while during the Locale migration, * so the caller need to take care of it. */public static void updateLocales(LocaleList locales) {    try {        //获取am        final IActivityManager am = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault();        //获取am配置对象        final Configuration config = am.getConfiguration();        //为配置对象重新设置语言        config.setLocales(locales);        //重置标志位        config.userSetLocale = true;        am.updatePersistentConfiguration(config);        // Trigger the dirty bit for the Settings Provider.        BackupManager.dataChanged("");    } catch (RemoteException e) {        // Intentionally left blank    }}



@Overridepublic void updatePersistentConfiguration(Configuration values) {    //强制权限校验    enforceCallingPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION,            "updateConfiguration()");    //强制写入设置权限    enforceWriteSettingsPermission("updateConfiguration()");    if (values == null) {        throw new NullPointerException("Configuration must not be null");    }    //获取调用用户的ID    int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();    synchronized(this) {        //调用方法        updatePersistentConfigurationLocked(values, userId);    }}


private void updatePersistentConfigurationLocked(Configuration values, @UserIdInt int userId) {    //清除Binder调用标识    final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();    try {        //重要方法        updateConfigurationLocked(values, null, false, true, userId, false /* deferResume */);    } finally {        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId);    }}


/** * Do either or both things: (1) change the current configuration, and (2) * make sure the given activity is running with the (now) current * configuration.  Returns true if the activity has been left running, or * false if starting is being destroyed to match the new * configuration. * * @param userId is only used when persistent parameter is set to true to persist configuration *               for that particular user */private boolean updateConfigurationLocked(Configuration values, ActivityRecord starting,        boolean initLocale, boolean persistent, int userId, boolean deferResume) {    int changes = 0;    ...    if (values != null) {        Configuration newConfig = new Configuration(mConfiguration);        changes = newConfig.updateFrom(values);        if (changes != 0) {            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.i(TAG_CONFIGURATION,                    "Updating configuration to: " + values);            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, changes);            if (!initLocale && !values.getLocales().isEmpty() && values.userSetLocale) {                //得到选择的国家语言列表                final LocaleList locales = values.getLocales();                int bestLocaleIndex = 0;                if (locales.size() > 1) {                    if (mSupportedSystemLocales == null) {                        //获取系统支持国家语言列表                        mSupportedSystemLocales =                                Resources.getSystem().getAssets().getLocales();                    }                    //匹配国家,获取选择默认国家语言下标                    bestLocaleIndex = Math.max(0,                            locales.getFirstMatchIndex(mSupportedSystemLocales));                }                SystemProperties.set("persist.sys.locale",                        locales.get(bestLocaleIndex).toLanguageTag());                //设置为选择的国家语言为默认国家语言                LocaleList.setDefault(locales, bestLocaleIndex);                //发送消息通知挂载守护进程国家语言变更                mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(SEND_LOCALE_TO_MOUNT_DAEMON_MSG,                        locales.get(bestLocaleIndex)));            }            ...            // Make sure all resources in our process are updated            // right now, so that anyone who is going to retrieve            // resource values after we return will be sure to get            // the new ones.  This is especially important during            // boot, where the first config change needs to guarantee            // all resources have that config before following boot            // code is executed.            //更新资源配置            mSystemThread.applyConfigurationToResources(configCopy);            //如果有配置改动,就发送该消息通知配置改动            if (persistent && Settings.System.hasInterestingConfigurationChanges(changes)) {                Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(UPDATE_CONFIGURATION_MSG);                msg.obj = new Configuration(configCopy);                msg.arg1 = userId;                mHandler.sendMessage(msg);            }            ...            for (int i=mLruProcesses.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);                try {                    if (app.thread != null) {                        if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Sending to proc "                                + app.processName + " new config " + mConfiguration);                        app.thread.scheduleConfigurationChanged(configCopy);                    }                } catch (Exception e) {                }            }            ...    }


  1. 更新当前系统的配置到最新的配置;
  2. 保证所有的Activity都能更新到改变后的配置。



    /**     * Copies the fields from delta into this Configuration object, keeping     * track of which ones have changed. Any undefined fields in {@code delta}     * are ignored and not copied in to the current Configuration.     *     * @return a bit mask of the changed fields, as per {@link #diff}     */    public @Config int updateFrom(@NonNull Configuration delta) {        //变化项        int changed = 0;        ...        //当有语言列表变化时,走这        if (!delta.mLocaleList.isEmpty() && !mLocaleList.equals(delta.mLocaleList)) {            changed |= ActivityInfo.CONFIG_LOCALE;            mLocaleList = delta.mLocaleList;            // delta.locale can't be null, since delta.mLocaleList is not empty.            if (!delta.locale.equals(locale)) {                locale = (Locale) delta.locale.clone();                // If locale has changed, then layout direction is also changed ...                changed |= ActivityInfo.CONFIG_LAYOUT_DIRECTION;                // ... and we need to update the layout direction (represented by the first                // 2 most significant bits in screenLayout).                setLayoutDirection(locale);            }        }        ...        if (delta.userSetLocale && (!userSetLocale || ((changed & ActivityInfo.CONFIG_LOCALE) != 0)))        {            changed |= ActivityInfo.CONFIG_LOCALE;            userSetLocale = true;        }        return changed;    }


//设置默认国家语言以及国家语言列表/** * This may be used directly by system processes to set the default locale list for apps. For * such uses, the default locale list would always come from the user preferences, but the * default locale may have been chosen to be a locale other than the first locale in the locale * list (based on the locales the app supports). * * {@hide} */public static void setDefault(@NonNull @Size(min=1) LocaleList locales, int localeIndex) {    if (locales == null) {        throw new NullPointerException("locales is null");    }    if (locales.isEmpty()) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException("locales is empty");    }    synchronized (sLock) {        sLastDefaultLocale = locales.get(localeIndex);        Locale.setDefault(sLastDefaultLocale);        sLastExplicitlySetLocaleList = locales;        sDefaultLocaleList = locales;        if (localeIndex == 0) {            sDefaultAdjustedLocaleList = sDefaultLocaleList;        } else {            sDefaultAdjustedLocaleList = new LocaleList(                    sLastDefaultLocale, sDefaultLocaleList);        }    }}



// Make sure all resources in our process are updated// right now, so that anyone who is going to retrieve// resource values after we return will be sure to get// the new ones.  This is especially important during// boot, where the first config change needs to guarantee// all resources have that config before following boot// code is executed.//更新资源配置mSystemThread.applyConfigurationToResources(configCopy);//如果有配置改动,就发送该消息通知配置改动if (persistent && Settings.System.hasInterestingConfigurationChanges(changes)) {    Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(UPDATE_CONFIGURATION_MSG);    msg.obj = new Configuration(configCopy);    msg.arg1 = userId;    mHandler.sendMessage(msg);}


//保存所有应用的进程final ArrayList mLruProcesses = new ArrayList();for (int i=mLruProcesses.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {    ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);    try {        if (app.thread != null) {            if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG_CONFIGURATION, "Sending to proc "                    + app.processName + " new config " + mConfiguration);            app.thread.scheduleConfigurationChanged(configCopy);        }    } catch (Exception e) {    }}public final void scheduleConfigurationChanged(Configuration config)        throws RemoteException {    Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();    data.writeInterfaceToken(IApplicationThread.descriptor);    config.writeToParcel(data, 0);    mRemote.transact(SCHEDULE_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED_TRANSACTION, data, null,            IBinder.FLAG_ONEWAY);    data.recycle();}



public void scheduleConfigurationChanged(Configuration config) {    updatePendingConfiguration(config);    //发送消息给对应的主线程    sendMessage(H.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, config);} CONFIGURATION_CHANGED:    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "configChanged");    mCurDefaultDisplayDpi = ((Configuration)msg.obj).densityDpi;    mUpdatingSystemConfig = true;    //接收到AMS发来的数据    handleConfigurationChanged((Configuration)msg.obj, null);    mUpdatingSystemConfig = false;    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);    break;


final void handleConfigurationChanged(Configuration config, CompatibilityInfo compat) {    int configDiff = 0;    synchronized (mResourcesManager) {        ...        //将资源配置修改应用到资源中        mResourcesManager.applyConfigurationToResourcesLocked(config, compat);        //更新语言列表        updateLocaleListFromAppContext(mInitialApplication.getApplicationContext(),                mResourcesManager.getConfiguration().getLocales());        ...    }    //组件修改回调对象    ArrayList callbacks = collectComponentCallbacks(false, config);    freeTextLayoutCachesIfNeeded(configDiff);    if (callbacks != null) {framework-res.apk        final int N = callbacks.size();        for (int i=0; iif (cb instanceof Activity) {                // If callback is an Activity - call corresponding method to consider override                // config and avoid onConfigurationChanged if it hasn't changed.                Activity a = (Activity) cb;                //Activity回调响应                performConfigurationChangedForActivity(mActivities.get(a.getActivityToken()),                        config, REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY);            } else {                //其他回调响应                performConfigurationChanged(cb, null, config, null, REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY);            }        }    }}



public final boolean applyConfigurationToResourcesLocked(@NonNull Configuration config,                                                         @Nullable CompatibilityInfo compat) {    private final ArrayMap> mResourceImpls =            new ArrayMap<>();    try {        ...        //获取更新项        int changes = mResConfiguration.updateFrom(config);        // Things might have changed in display manager, so clear the cached displays.        mDisplays.clear();        ...        //更新系统资源配置        Resources.updateSystemConfiguration(config, defaultDisplayMetrics, compat);        //通知配置文件修改,清理缓存,如Icon和String        ApplicationPackageManager.configurationChanged();        //Slog.i(TAG, "Configuration changed in " + currentPackageName());        Configuration tmpConfig = null;        for (int i = mResourceImpls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            ResourcesKey key = mResourceImpls.keyAt(i);            ResourcesImpl r = mResourceImpls.valueAt(i).get();            if (r != null) {                    ...                    r.updateConfiguration(tmpConfig, dm, compat);                } else {                    r.updateConfiguration(config, dm, compat);                }                //Slog.i(TAG, "Updated app resources " + v.getKey()                //        + " " + r + ": " + r.getConfiguration());            } else {                //Slog.i(TAG, "Removing old resources " + v.getKey());                mResourceImpls.removeAt(i);            }        }        return changes != 0;    } finally {        Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES);    }}





//组件修改回调对象ArrayList callbacks = collectComponentCallbacks(false, config);freeTextLayoutCachesIfNeeded(configDiff);if (callbacks != null) {    final int N = callbacks.size();    for (int i=0; iif (cb instanceof Activity) {            // If callback is an Activity - call corresponding method to consider override            // config and avoid onConfigurationChanged if it hasn't changed.            Activity a = (Activity) cb;            //Activity回调响应            performConfigurationChangedForActivity(mActivities.get(a.getActivityToken()),                    config, REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY);        } else {            //其他回调响应            performConfigurationChanged(cb, null, config, null, REPORT_TO_ACTIVITY);        }    }}


private void performConfigurationChanged(ComponentCallbacks2 cb,                                         IBinder activityToken,                                         Configuration newConfig,                                         Configuration amOverrideConfig,                                         boolean reportToActivity) {    // Only for Activity objects, check that they actually call up to their    // superclass implementation.  ComponentCallbacks2 is an interface, so    // we check the runtime type and act accordingly.    Activity activity = (cb instanceof Activity) ? (Activity) cb : null;    if (activity != null) {        activity.mCalled = false;    }    boolean shouldChangeConfig = false;    if ((activity == null) || (activity.mCurrentConfig == null)) {        shouldChangeConfig = true;    } else {        // If the new config is the same as the config this Activity is already        // running with and the override config also didn't change, then don't        // bother calling onConfigurationChanged.        int diff = activity.mCurrentConfig.diff(newConfig);        if (diff != 0 || !mResourcesManager.isSameResourcesOverrideConfig(activityToken,                amOverrideConfig)) {            // Always send the task-level config changes. For system-level configuration, if            // this activity doesn't handle any of the config changes, then don't bother            // calling onConfigurationChanged as we're going to destroy it.            if (!mUpdatingSystemConfig                    || (~activity.mActivityInfo.getRealConfigChanged() & diff) == 0                    || !reportToActivity) {                shouldChangeConfig = true;            }        }    }    if (shouldChangeConfig) {        // Propagate the configuration change to the Activity and ResourcesManager.        // ContextThemeWrappers may override the configuration for that context.        // We must check and apply any overrides defined.        Configuration contextThemeWrapperOverrideConfig = null;        if (cb instanceof ContextThemeWrapper) {            final ContextThemeWrapper contextThemeWrapper = (ContextThemeWrapper) cb;            contextThemeWrapperOverrideConfig = contextThemeWrapper.getOverrideConfiguration();        }        // We only update an Activity's configuration if this is not a global        // configuration change. This must also be done before the callback,        // or else we violate the contract that the new resources are available        // in {@link ComponentCallbacks2#onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)}.        if (activityToken != null) {            // Apply the ContextThemeWrapper override if necessary.            // NOTE: Make sure the configurations are not modified, as they are treated            // as immutable in many places.            final Configuration finalOverrideConfig = createNewConfigAndUpdateIfNotNull(                    amOverrideConfig, contextThemeWrapperOverrideConfig);            mResourcesManager.updateResourcesForActivity(activityToken, finalOverrideConfig);        }        if (reportToActivity) {            // Apply the ContextThemeWrapper override if necessary.            // NOTE: Make sure the configurations are not modified, as they are treated            // as immutable in many places.            final Configuration configToReport = createNewConfigAndUpdateIfNotNull(                    newConfig, contextThemeWrapperOverrideConfig);            cb.onConfigurationChanged(configToReport);        }        if (activity != null) {            if (reportToActivity && !activity.mCalled) {                throw new SuperNotCalledException(                        "Activity " + activity.getLocalClassName() +                        " did not call through to super.onConfigurationChanged()");            }            activity.mConfigChangeFlags = 0;            activity.mCurrentConfig = new Configuration(newConfig);        }    }}


/** * Called by the system when the device configuration changes while your * activity is running.  Note that this will only be called if * you have selected configurations you would like to handle with the * {@link android.R.attr#configChanges} attribute in your manifest.  If * any configuration change occurs that is not selected to be reported * by that attribute, then instead of reporting it the system will stop * and restart the activity (to have it launched with the new * configuration). * 


At the time that this function has been called, your Resources * object will have been updated to return resource values matching the * new configuration. * * @param newConfig The new device configuration. */public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { if (DEBUG_LIFECYCLE) Slog.v(TAG, "onConfigurationChanged " + this + ": " + newConfig); mCalled = true; mFragments.dispatchConfigurationChanged(newConfig); if (mWindow != null) { // Pass the configuration changed event to the window mWindow.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } if (mActionBar != null) { // Do this last; the action bar will need to access // view changes from above. mActionBar.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); }}




  1. 当切换或添加新的语言时,会生成新的Configuration来替换原来的Configuration,并且修改项是可追寻的;
  2. 根据最新的Configuration来更新系统资源以及应用资源;
  3. 重启所有的Activity并更新到最新的资源;
  4. 完成语言切换。








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