package org.example.itester;            import;      import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;      import android.content.Context;      import android.content.Intent;      import;      import;      import android.os.Bundle;      import android.widget.TextView;            public class wifibtcheck extends ITester{          private static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT = 3;                    @Override          public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {              super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);              setContentView(R.layout.wifibtcheck);                    mWifi = (WifiManager)getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);                    if (!mWifi.isWifiEnabled())              {                  mWifi.setWifiEnabled(true);              }                            WifiInfo wifiInfo = mWifi.getConnectionInfo();                            bAdapt= BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();                           if (bAdapt != null)              {                  if (!bAdapt.isEnabled())                  {                      Intent enBT = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);                      startActivityForResult(enBT, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);                  }                                    btMac = bAdapt.getAddress();              }else{                  btMac = "No Bluetooth Device!";              }                            if((WifiMac = wifiInfo.getMacAddress())== null)              {                  WifiMac = "No Wifi Device";              }                          TextView mac = (TextView)findViewById(;              mac.setTextSize(38);              mac.setText("   无线MAC:  "+ WifiMac + "\n   蓝牙MAC:  " + btMac);                              }                    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {              switch (requestCode) {                    case REQUEST_ENABLE_BT:                  // When the request to enable Bluetooth returns                  if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {                      // Bluetooth is now enabled, so set up a chat session                  } else {                      finish();                  }              }          }                }  


  1. Android实现蓝牙打印
  2. 根据文件名称修改安卓默认的蓝牙接收文件地址
  3. Android 中文API (65) ―― BluetoothClass[蓝牙]
  4. android bluetooth UUID蓝牙查询表
  5. Android 蓝牙(BLE)连接,发送,接收消息
  6. Android蓝牙开发(一)
  7. android 蓝牙功能
  8. Android 蓝牙开发浅析
  9. Android TV蓝牙模块


  1. android单元测试
  2. 去除android锁屏
  3. Android(安卓)Spinner(级联 天气预报)
  4. 问题:plugin with id 'android' not foun
  5. 图表(APAndroidChart)
  6. Android通知Notification学习 及 无法通
  7. android > ListView -- SimpleAdapter
  8. android 判断当前application 是在前台还
  9. Android(安卓)Studio 3.0找不到Android(
  10. [zz] Android(安卓)Service 示例