





I suggest that we should use bootanimation.zip instead of default image android-logo-mask.png
in the subsequent product.

I will introduce the bootanimation.zip below, and you can find the two examples in the attachment.
All of you need to do is just to execute a command:
adb push ./bootanimation.zip /data/local/bootanimation.zip

2.1. location of bootanimation.zip

1) /data/local/bootanimation.zip, or
2) /system/media/bootanimation.zip

While power on, handset will retrieve the bootanimation.zip from the location one by one;
If it can not get any of the bootanimation.zip, it will read

2.2. content of bootanimation.zip
It includes two directory and a file.
-rw-r--r-- 1 xwang act 38 2010-08-10 16:55 desc.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 xwang act 2048 2010-08-10 16:57 part0
drwxr-xr-x 2 xwang act 2048 2010-08-10 16:57 part1

The png images is placed in the directory "part0", "part1".

format of desc.txt, for example
480 800 15
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1

480--width of the image, 800--height of the image, 15--frames of second
p 1, display one time
p 0, display recycling till handset power on finished

The images can be larger than the screen, and the handset will scale them automatically

2.3. how to create the bootanimation.zip
cd ./bootanimation
zip -r -0 bootanimation.zip part0 part1 desc.txt
adb push ./bootanimation.zip /data/local/bootanimation.zip

The -0 parameter is mandotary. It means zip with "store only" mode.

2.4. reboot the handset, you will see the new animation images .


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