In such a case, you can do all of the following in order to be assured that your emulator starts working again :

  1. Go to cmd and type “adb kill-server”
  2. Go to task manager and find “adb” in processes. If you find one, right click on it and click on end process tree.
  3. In eclipse, go to Window>Android Virtual Device Manager, click on the AVD you want to launch, click on start and uncheck “Launch From Snapshot” and then click on launch.

That’s it! It will take a while and it should resolve your problem.


  1. Simply “Wipe data” to fix this issue.
    Android ADB emulator-5554 unauthorized_第1张图片

  2. If it doesn’t work, go to emulated device and enable developer options > enable usb debugging


C:\Users\***>adb shellerror: device unauthorized.This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not setTry 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

Android adb设备未经授权

  1. 删除.android/adbkey|adbkey.pub这两个文件(为保险起见,可以将两文件暂时移动出.android目录。.android目录默认在C盘下的当前用户目录下,如果配置了 ANDROID_SDK_HOME环境变量,那就是在这个变量值的目录下);
  2. 在AVD Manager中删除所有的avd,重新创建;
  3. 执行下命令adb devices,看看虚拟机的状态吧;
C:\Users\Administrator>adb devicesList of devices attachedemulator-5556   deviceemulator-5554   device


  1. Android 删除指定文件代码
  2. Android中XML文件的使用
  3. Android使用HttpURLConnection上传文件
  4. Android so 文件简介
  5. Android 文件工具FileUtil
  6. android 在SD卡创建文件夹
  7. Android下各文件方法获取的路径
  8. android 用VideoView播放本地视频文件
  9. Android 读写文件的N种写法


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  4. android 属性android:visibility及 view
  5. eclipse关联android sdk源码和android sd
  6. Android读写XML(下)
  7. Android中使用WebView, WebChromeClient
  8. [简略记录]android中使用javamail的问题
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