

Dependencies and Prerequisites

Android 2.1 (API level 7) or higher

YOU should also read

  • Custom Components
  • Input Events
  • Property Animation
  • Hardware Acceleration
  • Accessibilitydeveloper guide

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Create a class that acts like a built-in view, with custom attributes and support from the ADT layout editor.


Make your view visually distinctive using the Android graphics system.


Users expect a view to react smoothly and naturally to input gestures. This lesson discusses how to use gesture detection, physics, and animation to give your user interface a professional feel.


No matter how beautiful your UI is, users won’t love it if it doesn’t run at a consistently high frame rate. Learn how to avoid common performance problems, and how to use hardware acceleration to make your custom drawings run faster.



  1. IBM详解 Android 的 Activity 组件
  2. Android - Android应用程序(Application)的主要组件
  3. Android 官方架构组件之 Lifecycle的学习
  4. android的Http请求组件
  5. Android组件通信
  6. android EditText组件
  7. Android应用程序组件Content Provider的共享数据更新通知机制分
  8. android之实现各个组件点击事件监听


  1. 秒懂drop、truncate和delete的区别
  2. 详解SQL 通配符
  3. 详解SQL EXISTS 运算符
  4. SQL 将一列拆分成多列的三种方法
  5. sql server数据库中raiserror函数用法的
  6. SQL开窗函数的具体实现详解
  7. SQL 创建、更新和删除视图的方法
  8. Sql Server数据把列根据指定内容拆分数据
  9. 详细分析sqlserver中的小数类型(float和de
  10. 详解SQL游标的用法