
(1)隶属于canvas and Drawables,查看官方介绍可以知道java层面的类和函数关系:

----->NinePatchDrawable.draw(Canvas canvas)-画图函数,把png图片画到canvas上去。


---->public void draw(Canvas canvas, Rect location)

----->nativeDraw() (本地调用,需要查看jni文件)



---->{ "nativeDraw", "(ILandroid/graphics/RectF;I[BIII)V",(void*)SkNinePatchGlue::drawF }, (浮点边界值类型??)

---->{ "nativeDraw", "(ILandroid/graphics/Rect;I[BIII)V", (void*)SkNinePatchGlue::drawI }, (整数边界值类型??)


(5)drawI 和drawF最终调用的是NinePatchImpl.cpp中的NinePatch_Draw,里面有具体流程,有待分析。



private static Bitmap finishDecode(Bitmap bm,Rect outPadding,Options opts)


final boolean isNinePatch=np!=null&&NinePatch.isNinePatchChunk(np);



const Res_png_9patch* chunk =reinterpret_cast<const Res_png_9patch*>(array);


struct Res_png_9patch{  ...    int8_t wasDeserialized;    int8_t numXDivs;    int8_t numYDivs;    int8_t numColors;     // These tell where the next section of a patch starts.    // For example, the first patch includes the pixels from    // 0 to xDivs[0]-1 and the second patch includes the pixels    // from xDivs[0] to xDivs[1]-1.    // Note: allocation/free of these pointers is left to the caller.    int32_t* xDivs;    int32_t* yDivs;    int32_t paddingLeft, paddingRight;    int32_t paddingTop, paddingBottom;    enum {        // The 9 patch segment is not a solid color.        NO_COLOR = 0x00000001,        // The 9 patch segment is completely transparent.        TRANSPARENT_COLOR = 0x00000000    };    // Note: allocation/free of this pointer is left to the caller.    uint32_t* colors;   }


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