Error:(6, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:textAlignment'.
Error:(10, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
Error:(10, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
Error:(13, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingStart'.
Error:(17, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_marginEnd'.
Error:(10, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
Error:(23, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_marginStart'.
Error:(26, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_alignParentStart'.
Error:(6, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:textAlignment'.
Error:(10, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingEnd'.
Error:(13, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingStart'.
Error:(26, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_alignParentStart'.
Error:(37, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_toStartOf'.
Error:(40, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_alignParentEnd'.
Error:(44, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_toEndOf'.
Error:(37, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_toStartOf'.
Error:(23, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:layout_marginStart'.
Error:(13, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:paddingStart'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Body1'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Body2'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Button'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Caption'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display1'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display2'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display3'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Display4'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Headline'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Inverse'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Large'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Large.Inverse'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Large'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Small'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Medium'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Medium.Inverse'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Menu'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.SearchResult.Subtitle'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.SearchResult.Title'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Small'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Small.Inverse'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Subhead'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Title'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Menu'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Subtitle'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Subtitle.Inverse'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Title'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Title.Inverse'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionMode.Subtitle'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionMode.Title'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Large'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.PopupMenu.Small'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Button'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Subtitle'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.ActionBar.Title'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionBar.TabText'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionBar.TabView'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton.CloseMode'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton.Overflow'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.AutoCompleteTextView'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Borderless'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Borderless.Colored'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Small'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ButtonBar'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.CompoundButton.CheckBox'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.CompoundButton.RadioButton'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.DropDownItem.Spinner'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.ActionBar.TabText'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.ActionBar.TabText'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.ActionBar.TabView'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Light.PopupMenu'.
Error:(213, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:overlapAnchor'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ListPopupWindow'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ListView'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ListView.DropDown'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.PopupMenu'.
Error:(213, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:overlapAnchor'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ProgressBar'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ProgressBar.Horizontal'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.RatingBar'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Spinner'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Spinner'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Spinner.Underlined'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.TextView.SpinnerItem'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Toolbar.Button.Navigation'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Material'.
Error:(1) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Material.Light'.
Error:(120, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
Error:(124, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
Error:(122, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
Error:(123, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
Error:(121, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
Error:(118, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
Error:(119, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
Error:(120, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
Error:(124, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
Error:(122, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
Error:(123, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
Error:(121, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
Error:(118, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
Error:(119, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
Error:(120, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
Error:(124, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
Error:(122, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
Error:(123, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
Error:(121, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
Error:(118, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
Error:(119, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
Error:(127, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowElevation'.
Error:(120, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorAccent'.
Error:(124, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorButtonNormal'.
Error:(122, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlActivated'.
Error:(123, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlHighlight'.
Error:(121, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorControlNormal'.
Error:(118, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimary'.
Error:(119, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.
Error:(127, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowElevation'.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\AndroidSdk\android-sdk\build-tools\22.0.1\aapt.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

Information:BUILD FAILED



  1. zxing项目源码解读(2.3.0版本,Android部分)
  2. 【android】Android Studio项目打包,发布APK
  3. Android Studio快捷键、配置 Android Studio、cmake配置Android
  4. android原生项目整合ReactNative
  5. 【Android 应用开发】GitHub 优秀的 Android 开源项目
  6. library project 和android项目
  7. android studio打开react-native的android工程项目时预编译失败
  8. Android实时监控项目第一篇:项目分析及AVD模拟效果图
  9. 个人对android中项目命名规则的整理


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  3. android利用javamail实现后台发送可添加
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  5. Android Studio编译动态替换清单文件Andr
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  7. android adb shell 不可用的情况
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