
SlidingUpPanel is a port of AndroidSlidingUpPanel to Xamarin.Android.

Add an awesome draggable panel that slides up from either the bottom or top of your screen. Use it to show more details, reveal music player controls or whatever you want. This type of panel is also used in apps such as Google Music and Rdio.

Get it in the Xamarin Component store!


Key features

  • Customizable height

  • Customizable shadow

  • Restrict draggable area of panel to

    • A visible view

    • An anchor point

  • Listen to events when dragging the panel

  • Switch between sliding from top or bottom


This library uses Android Support v4, and it is tested on Android 2.2 and above.


To use it, add the component and in your layout simply wrap your layouts with cheesebaron.slidinguppanel.SlidingUpPanelLayout. It supports two children. The first child is your content layout. The second child is your layout for the sliding up panel. Both children should have their height set tomatch_parent.


Thanks to

  • Umano which have created the Java implementation for Java Android.



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