This is a common problem in android.

The name of the issue says it all. Android fails to obtain an IP address from a wireless router: connection attempt fails. It goes through stages in an infinite loop: wifi重复执行以下操作

1.Obtaining IP address 获取ip地址

2.disconnecting 失去连接

3.scanning 搜索

After searching about this problem on internet, I found that many other people facing the same problem. But at last I found a solution for this problem and going to share here. Here’s the solution to Obtaing IP address Wifi problem on android:

The solution is to use a static IP for your WiFi connection, to do this:

From your android device, goto Settings > Wireless and networks > WiFi Settings > Click menu button (left) and select advanced.


修复android获取ip地址失败 Fix Obtaining IP Address Android WiFi Problem

You’ll see an option “use static IP” under IP settings section. Enable it and enter the following parameters.


IP address :





This method works 100% when we tested it. 这是真的;不过俺试了,是连接上了,不过还是上不了网,再次取消用静态地址连接,magic wierd it work. enjoy it if you are the lucky guy as me.



For samsung users, I have a pretty good trick which works very well.

When you have obtaining IP address problem,

1.Turn off wifi.

2.Open “Allshare”, then you will be asked to connect to a wifi network.

3.Then select the wifi network that you need to connect from the list opened.

Magically, you will be connected without any extra effort.This works 100% sure without fail.

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