<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"          package="string"          android:sharedUserId="string"          android:sharedUserLabel="string resource"           android:versionCode="integer"          android:versionName="string"          android:installLocation=["auto" | "internalOnly" | "preferExternal"] >    . . .</manifest>

The default install location for the application.

The following keyword strings are accepted:

Value Description
"internalOnly" The application must be installed on the internal device storage only. If this is set, the application will never be installed on the external storage. If the internal storage is full, then the system will not install the application. This is also the default behavior if you do not define android:installLocation.
"auto" The application may be installed on the external storage, but the system will install the application on the internal storage by default. If the internal storage is full, then the system will install it on the external storage. Once installed, the user can move the application to either internal or external storage through the system settings.
"preferExternal" The application prefers to be installed on the external storage (SD card). There is no guarantee that the system will honor this request. The application might be installed on internal storage if the external media is unavailable or full, or if the application uses the forward-locking mechanism (not supported on external storage). Once installed, the user can move the application to either internal or external storage through the system settings.






Services、Alarm Services、Input Method Engines、Live Wallpapers、AppWidgets、Account Managers、Sync Adapters、Device Administrators、Broadcast Receivers listening for "boot completed"、Copy Protection。






  1. Android 内存笔记
  2. android 程序调试入门
  3. Android 程序打包及签名
  4. android 调用系统安装程序
  5. Android 如何获取手机内存大小,内置存储空间大小
  6. android 程序日志记录
  7. Android取得系统信息和分辨率内存信息
  8. Android系统中自带了很多图标,我们的程序可以方便使用。
  9. 在程序中设置android:gravity 和 android:layout_Gravity属性 .


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