

int computeForcedAppOrientationLocked() {         int req = getOrientationFromWindowsLocked();         if (req == ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED) {             req = getOrientationFromAppTokensLocked();         }         // req = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; //强制横屏0度         // req = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; //强制竖屏左转90度         return req;  }  



void GraphicPlane::setDisplayHardware(DisplayHardware *hw)  {  mHw = hw;  // initialize the display orientation transform.  // it's a constant that should come from the display driver.  int displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientationDefault;  char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];  if (property_get("ro.sf.hwrotation", property, NULL) > 0) {  //displayOrientation  switch (atoi(property)) {  case 0:  displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientationDefault;  break;  case 90:  displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientation90;  break;  case 180:  displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientation180;  break;  case 270:  displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientation270;  break;  }  }  /* 强制旋转90度 */  displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientation90;  const float w = hw->getWidth();  const float h = hw->getHeight();  GraphicPlane::orientationToTransfrom(displayOrientation, w, h,  &mDisplayTransform);  }  


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