There's the android:label for the application, and the android:label for the launch activity. The former is what you see under Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications on your device. The latter is what you see under Applications, and by extension in any shortcut to your application, e.g.

<application    android:label="@string/turns_up_in_manage_apps" >    <activity        android:name=".MainActivity"        android:label="@string/turns_up_in_shortcuts" >        ...    </activity></application>

app_name 应用程序管理里的名字
title_activity_main 快捷方式名字


  1. Google Android 应用程序结构
  2. android应用程序跳转到系统的各个设置页面
  3. 如何以编程方式退出android应用程序
  4. Android Application Fundamentals——Android应用程序基础知识
  5. Android 应用程序只运行一个实例
  6. android4.2上获取应用程序大小的变更点
  7. Android 之应用程序重启


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