

1. 我们退出了全部Activity后,应用还在后台运行。为什么不能真正的退出应用?

2. 似乎线程也能完成service的功能,为什么不能用线程代替service?

















Active Processes Active (foreground) processes are those hosting applications with components currently interacting with the user. These are the processes Android is trying to keep responsive by reclaiming resources. There are generally very few of these processes, and they will be killed only as a last resort.

Active processes include:

  • Activities in an “active” state; that is, they are in the foreground and responding to user events. You will explore Activity states in greater detail later in this chapter.
  • Activities, Services, or Broadcast Receivers that are currently executing an onReceive event handler.
  • Services that are executing an onStart, onCreate, or onDestroy event handler.

Visible Processes Visible, but inactive processes are those hosting “visible” Activities. As the name suggests, visible Activities are visible, but they aren’t in the foreground or responding to user events. This happens when an Activity is only partially obscured (by a non-full-screen or transparent Activity). There are generally very few visible processes, and they’ll only be killed in extreme circumstances to allow active processes to continue.

Started Service Processes Processes hosting Services that have been started. Services support ongoing processing that should continue without a visible interface. Because Services don’t interact directly with the user, they receive a slightly lower priority than visible Activities. They are still considered to be foreground processes and won’t be killed unless resources are needed for active or visible processes.

Background Processes Processes hosting Activities that aren’t visible and that don’t have any Services that have been started are considered background processes. There will generally be a large number of background processes that Android will kill using a last-seen-first-killed pat- tern to obtain resources for foreground processes.

Empty Processes To improve overall system performance, Android often retains applications in memory after they have reached the end of their lifetimes. Android maintains this cache to improve the start-up time of applications when they’re re-launched. These processes are rou- tinely killed as required.




  1. 【转】有关Android线程的学习
  2. 浅析Android线程模型一
  3. Android 线程学习
  4. Android中的线程与进程之间的关系简单解释
  5. android的进程与线程
  6. Android 网络多线程断点下载


  1. [置顶] android中自动匹配框AutoComplete
  2. ScrollView的使用
  3. widget(2、EditText)
  4. Html和Android之间的联系
  5. 2011.07.08(3)——— android AlarmManager
  6. Android Debug Bridge 技术实现原理
  7. android ui事件分析
  8. Android CheckBox
  9. Android TextView文字过多时,通过滚动条显
  10. Android(安卓)UI开发第十八篇――Activit