In the development of TV applications, especially when dealing with images were more likely to feel the Android heap is too heap can be changed as follows

Adb shell

2. Mount-o remount rw / system / / modify the permissions in the system directory

3.adb pull / system / build.prop d :/ /build.prop / / export file

4 edit d intraday D :/ build.prop in the final plus dalvk.vm.heapsize = 32m / / modify the heap size to save

5.adb push d :/ build.prop / system / build.prop / / replacement to the original file

6. Restart the machine

This method has no effect on the simulator

the port mapping of the the androi simulator pc

Start the emulator emulator-5554

2. Telnet localhost 5554

3.redir add udp: 4567:4567 / / pc-4567 port mapping to the emulator port 4567
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