Android获取Drawable对象方式为getResources().getDrawable(@DrawableResId int res), 只可能返回***Drawable、BitmapDrawable对象, 当然id不存在会抛异常。

public abstract class Drawable { ... }

Android Drawable缓存_第1张图片
Android Drawable缓存_第2张图片

下面讲解下返回对象是如何产生的, 核心逻辑在

   private final DrawableCache mDrawableCache = new DrawableCache();  //缓存的是ConstantState抽象类的对象,而不是Drawable对象;  弱引用,不影响GC    private final DrawableCache mColorDrawableCache = new DrawableCache(); //弱引用,不影响GC        Drawable loadDrawable(@NonNull Resources wrapper, @NonNull TypedValue value, int id,            int density, @Nullable Resources.Theme theme)            throws NotFoundException {                 final boolean useCache = density == 0 || value.density == mMetrics.densityDpi;                 //getDrawableForDensity(id, 0, theme);density为0, 所以useCache默认为true,                   //app取自己的drawable时mPreloading为false, 即下面的if条件为真                if (!mPreloading && useCache) {                     final Drawable cachedDrawable = caches.getInstance(key, wrapper, theme);                     if (cachedDrawable != null) {                        cachedDrawable.setChangingConfigurations(value.changingConfigurations);                    return cachedDrawable;                }            }

不要被上面的caches.getInstance误导, 它创建了新的实例(newDrawble方法). 但是复用了ConstantState, 如果是BitmapDrawable的话就复用了Bitmap对象。

  public Drawable getInstance(long key, Resources resources, Resources.Theme theme) {        final Drawable.ConstantState entry = get(key, theme);        if (entry != null) {            return entry.newDrawable(resources, theme);        }        return null;    }       public Drawable newDrawable() {            return new BitmapDrawable(this, null);        }


BitmapDrawable firstDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) getResources()                .getDrawable(R.drawable.school_picture);BitmapDrawable secondDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) getResources()                .getDrawable(R.drawable.school_picture);

State), 在操作其中一个drawble的时候, 另一个实例也会受影响。
Android Drawable缓存_第3张图片

如果想2个drawable互不影响, 即使用不同的ConstantState实例。 可以调用BitmapDrawable.java的mutate方法:

    @Override    public Drawable mutate() {        if (!mMutated && super.mutate() == this) {            mBitmapState = new BitmapState(mBitmapState);            mMutated = true;        }        return this;    }


ResouresesImpl.java是通过文件后缀判断Drawable类型的, 如果后缀是xml则返回ColorDrawable对象, 否则返回BitmapDrawable对象。

private Drawable loadDrawableForCookie(@NonNull Resources wrapper, @NonNull TypedValue value,            int id, int density) {            ...            if (file.endsWith(".xml")) {                    final XmlResourceParser rp = loadXmlResourceParser(                            file, id, value.assetCookie, "drawable");                    dr = Drawable.createFromXmlForDensity(wrapper, rp, density, null);                    rp.close();                } else {                    final InputStream is = mAssets.openNonAsset(                            value.assetCookie, file, AssetManager.ACCESS_STREAMING);                    AssetInputStream ais = (AssetInputStream) is;                    dr = decodeImageDrawable(ais, wrapper, value);   //返回BitmapDrawable                }    private Drawable decodeImageDrawable(@NonNull AssetInputStream ais,            @NonNull Resources wrapper, @NonNull TypedValue value) {        ImageDecoder.Source src = new ImageDecoder.AssetInputStreamSource(ais,                            wrapper, value);        try {            return ImageDecoder.decodeDrawable(src, (decoder, info, s) -> {                decoder.setAllocator(ImageDecoder.ALLOCATOR_SOFTWARE);            });        } catch (IOException ioe) {            // This is okay. This may be something that ImageDecoder does not            // support, like SVG.            return null;        }    }    public static Drawable decodeDrawable(@NonNull Source src,            @Nullable OnHeaderDecodedListener listener) throws IOException {        Bitmap bitmap = decodeBitmap(src, listener);        **return new BitmapDrawable(src.getResources(), bitmap);**    }

后缀是xml时,执行了Drawable.createFromXmlForDensity方法, 最终会执行到DrawableInflator.java的inflateFromTag方法, 返回上面graphics文件夹下面的类。。

    private Drawable inflateFromTag(@NonNull String name) {        switch (name) {            case "selector":                return new StateListDrawable();            case "animated-selector":                return new AnimatedStateListDrawable();            case "level-list":                return new LevelListDrawable();            case "layer-list":                return new LayerDrawable();            case "transition":                return new TransitionDrawable();            case "ripple":                return new RippleDrawable();            case "adaptive-icon":                return new AdaptiveIconDrawable();            case "color":                return new ColorDrawable();            case "shape":                return new GradientDrawable();            case "vector":                return new VectorDrawable();            case "animated-vector":                return new AnimatedVectorDrawable();            case "scale":                return new ScaleDrawable();            case "clip":                return new ClipDrawable();            case "rotate":                return new RotateDrawable();            case "animated-rotate":                return new AnimatedRotateDrawable();            case "animation-list":                return new AnimationDrawable();            case "inset":                return new InsetDrawable();            case "bitmap":                return new BitmapDrawable();            case "nine-patch":                return new NinePatchDrawable();            case "animated-image":                return new AnimatedImageDrawable();            default:                return null;        }    }

1、 getResources().getDrawable只可能返回Drawable(根据xml里的tag生成不同实例)、BitmapDrawable或者抛异常;
2、 在ResourcesImpl.java里缓存了ConstantState弱引用, 对应BitmapDrawable对象来说缓存了Bitmap引用。
4、ResourcesImpl.java通过文件名后缀返回不同的drawable对象, 后缀是xml时根据文件里的tag名称返回
5、 在Activity、View退出时不需要解绑Drawable, 即ImageView的setImageDrawable(null)。 因为ResourcesImpl缓存的是Bitmap弱引用,可以被GC回收;


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