
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); MediaPlayer mPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(FakeCallScreen.this, R.raw.mysoundfile); mPlayer.start(); }public void onDestroy() { mPlayer.stop(); super.onDestroy();}


A SoundPool is a collection of samples that can be loaded into memory from a resource inside the APK or from a file in the file system. The SoundPool library uses the MediaPlayer service to decode the audio into a raw 16-bit PCM mono or stereo stream. This allows applications to ship with compressed streams without having to suffer the CPU load and latency of decompressing during playback.

/** * How many sounds can be played at once. */private static final int MAX_SOUND_POOL_STREAMS = 4;/** * Modify this as part of your own priority scheme. Higher numbers mean higher * priority. If you don't care, it's okay to use the same priority for every * sound. */private static final int NORMAL_PRIORITY = 10;private int mySoundId;@Overridepublic void setupContent() {    this.soundPool = new SoundPool(MAX_SOUND_POOL_STREAMS,            AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 100);    this.mySoundId = this.soundPool.load(this.getApplicationContext(),            R.raw.mySound, 1);}@Overrideprivate void playMySound() {    this.soundPool.play(this.mySoundId, 1, 1, NORMAL_PRIORITY, 0, 1);}


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