/** * 录音工具类 *  * @author rendongwei *  */public class RecordUtil {    private static final int SAMPLE_RATE_IN_HZ = 8000;    private MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder();    // 录音的路径    private String mPath;    public RecordUtil(String path) {        mPath = path;    }    /**     * 开始录音     *      * @throws IOException     */    public void start() throws IOException {        String state = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState();        if (!state.equals(android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {            throw new IOException("SD Card is not mounted,It is  " + state                    + ".");        }        File directory = new File(mPath).getParentFile();        if (!directory.exists() && !directory.mkdirs()) {            throw new IOException("Path to file could not be created");        }        recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC);        recorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.RAW_AMR);        recorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB);        recorder.setAudioSamplingRate(SAMPLE_RATE_IN_HZ);        recorder.setOutputFile(mPath);        recorder.prepare();        recorder.start();    }    /**     * 结束录音     *      * @throws IOException     */    public void stop() throws IOException {        recorder.stop();        recorder.release();    }    /**     * 获取录音时间     *      * @return     */    public double getAmplitude() {        if (recorder != null) {            return (recorder.getMaxAmplitude());        }        return 0;    }}


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