
android — NDK生成so文件:http://blog.csdn.net/laczff21/article/details/7542236

Mac OS X下NDK环境的搭建

  1. Download the appropriate package from this page.
  2. Open a terminal window.
  3. Go to the directory to which you downloaded the package.
  4. Runchmod a+xon the downloaded package.
  5. Execute the package. For example:
    ndk$ chmod a+x android-ndk-r10c-darwin-x86_64.binndk$ ./android-ndk-r10c-darwin-x86_64.bin


export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/james/Documents/adt-bundle-mac/sdk/platform-tools/:/Users/james/Documents/android-ndk:/Users/james/Documents/android-ndk/ndk-build



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