
在看square Leakcanary源码时,发现这样一段话:

GcTrigger DEFAULT = new GcTrigger() {    @Override public void runGc() {      // Code taken from AOSP FinalizationTest:      // https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libcore/+/master/support/src/test/java/libcore/      // java/lang/ref/FinalizationTester.java      // System.gc() does not garbage collect every time. Runtime.gc() is      // more likely to perfom a gc.      Runtime.getRuntime().gc();      enqueueReferences();      System.runFinalization(); }



public static void gc() {        Runtime.getRuntime().gc();}


/** * Whether or not we need to do a GC before running the finalizers. */  private static boolean runGC;  /**   * If we just ran finalization, we might want to do a GC to free the finalized objects.   * This lets us do gc/runFinlization/gc sequences but prevents back to back System.gc().   */  private static boolean justRanFinalization;/**    * Provides a hint to the VM that it would be useful to attempt    * to perform any outstanding object finalization.    */    public static void runFinalization() {        boolean shouldRunGC;        synchronized(lock) {            shouldRunGC = runGC;            runGC = false;        }        if (shouldRunGC) {            Runtime.getRuntime().gc();        }        Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization();        synchronized(lock) {            justRanFinalization = true;        }    } /**   * Indicates to the VM that it would be a good time to run the   * garbage collector. Note that this is a hint only. There is no guarantee   * that the garbage collector will actually be run.   */  public static void gc() {      boolean shouldRunGC;      synchronized(lock) {          shouldRunGC = justRanFinalization;          if (shouldRunGC) {              justRanFinalization = false;        } else {            runGC = true;          }    }   if (shouldRunGC) {          Runtime.getRuntime().gc();   } }

2.System.gc() -> System.gc() -> … -> System.gc() ->System.runFinalization(),最终只会调用一次Runtime.getRuntime().gc()


Avoid running Runtime.gc() until we need to run finalization.

This prevents excessive explicit GC which are called from apps to get
good GC behavior on Dalvik. Calling System.gc() does not help on ART
since GC for alloc is much rarer.

If running finalizers is requested following a System.gc we remember
that a GC was requested and perform it ahead of finalization.

Bug: 12004934

1.首先这是为了修复一个bug 12004934,具体什么bug找不到了

回到开头,leakcanary的作者在这里直接用了Runtime.getRuntime().gc()的确是有理由的,但是这应该不是最好的方式,因为从这个提交的描述来看,连续调用Runtime.getRuntime().gc()可能存在bug。修改后的模式是gc / finalization / gc,虽然leakcanary这里的使用不会有问题。但是我觉得我们自己使用的话,用System.gc() 配合 System.runFinalization()会比较好。


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