While I try to open the emulator as Nexus 7, some errors happened -

Unfortunately, the launched has stopped.

To make the android emulator (AVD) work fine for ADT V22.2.1_第1张图片

This reason is the avd skin_path is not correct, try to fix it in <avd-root>\.android\avd\<avd>.avd\config.ini

To make the android emulator (AVD) work fine for ADT V22.2.1_第2张图片

And save, start the emulator again.

Antoher error was happend - Unfortunately, the process android.process.acore has stoppped.

To make the android emulator (AVD) work fine for ADT V22.2.1_第3张图片

Then, I try to delete AVD and re-create it.

And start it again, finallly it works fine.

To make the android emulator (AVD) work fine for ADT V22.2.1_第4张图片


  1. Android 裁剪图片
  2. 8、RxJava+Retrofit+okhttp上传多张图片给后台
  3. [Android] 调用相机、打开相册、裁剪图片
  4. Android 图片加载总结帖
  5. 背景图片颜色渐变


  1. Android内核开发:图解Android系统的启动过
  2. Android下的单元测试
  3. Android中的MVP架构初探
  4. Android将允许纯C/C++开发应用
  5. Android(安卓)NDK环境配置与开发
  6. Android的一点思考
  7. Android撬动IT市场的新支点
  8. android模拟器大幅优化_android开发者的
  9. [置顶] Android(安卓)webview开发中 js与
  10. Android将允许纯C/C++开发应用