
The Color class defines methods for creating and converting color ints. Colors are represented as packed ints, made up of 4 bytes: alpha, red, green, blue. The values are unpremultiplied, meaning any transparency is stored solely in the alpha component, and not in the color components. The components are stored as follows (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue. Each component ranges between 0..255 with 0 meaning no contribution for that component, and 255 meaning 100% contribution. Thus opaque-black would be 0xFF000000 (100% opaque but no contributions from red, green, or blue), and opaque-white would be 0xFFFFFFFF


public static final intBLACK

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-16777216 (0xff000000)

public static final intBLUE

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-16776961 (0xff0000ff)

public static final intCYAN

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-16711681 (0xff00ffff)

public static final intDKGRAY

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-12303292 (0xff444444)

public static final intGRAY

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-7829368 (0xff888888)

public static final intGREEN

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-16711936 (0xff00ff00)

public static final intLTGRAY

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-3355444 (0xffcccccc)

public static final intMAGENTA

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-65281 (0xffff00ff)

public static final intRED

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-65536 (0xffff0000)

public static final intTRANSPARENT

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:0 (0x00000000)

public static final intWHITE

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-1 (0xffffffff)

public static final intYELLOW

Since: API Level 1

Constant Value:-256 (0xffffff00)


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