
apply plugin: ''apply plugin: 'findbugs'//得到日期的方法static def releaseTime() {    return new Date().format("yyMMdd-HHmm")}//基本配置android {    compileSdkVersion 26    buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'    defaultConfig {        applicationId ""        minSdkVersion 15        targetSdkVersion 26        versionCode 1000100        versionName "1.0.1"        testInstrumentationRunner ""        manifestPlaceholders = [channel:"weiliu"]    }//签名信息配置    signingConfigs {        release {            storeFile file("keystore.jks")            storePassword "xxxxxxxxxxxx"//密码            keyAlias "xxxx"//名称            keyPassword "xxxxxxxxxxx"//密码        }    }//编译的类型    buildTypes {        release {        // BuildConfig类下增加自定义字段 参数的含义(类型,名称,内容)            buildConfigField "boolean", "DEV", "false"            buildConfigField "String", "API_HOST", "\"\""            //选择签名信息        signingConfig signingConfigs.release          //会对代码进行混淆和压缩            minifyEnabled true          //会对比R文件对无用资源进行删除 (minifyEnabled 设置为true时shrinkResources 的设置才会生效)            shrinkResources true          //是否启用zipAlign压缩        zipAlignEnabled true             //用到的混淆文件        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''        }        http {            matchingFallbacks = ['debug', 'release']            buildConfigField "boolean", "DEV", "true"            debuggable true            signingConfig signingConfigs.release            minifyEnabled true            shrinkResources true            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''        }        debug {            buildConfigField "boolean", "DEV", "true"            debuggable true            signingConfig signingConfigs.release            minifyEnabled false            shrinkResources false        }    }    lintOptions {        abortOnError false        lintConfig file('lint.xml')    }//打包apk重命名//    android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->//        variant.outputs.all { output ->//            def channel = defaultConfig.manifestPlaceholders.get("channel")//            if ( == 'release' && outputFileName != null && outputFileName.endsWith('.apk')) {//                //这里修改apk文件名//                outputFileName = "gyq-${channel}-v${defaultConfig.versionName}-${releaseTime()}.apk"//            }//        }//    }    externalNativeBuild {        ndkBuild {            path 'src/main/jni/'        }    }}//依赖配置dependencies {    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')    androidTestCompile('', {        exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'    })    compile project(':library')    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'}static def getAppName() {    return "czsp"}static def originReleaseApk() {    return getAppName() + "-release.apk"}static def andResGuardApk() {    return "AndResGuard_app-release/app-release_aligned_signed.apk"}def timeReleaseApkName() {    String appVersion =    return String.format(getAppName() + "-%s-%s", appVersion, releaseTime())}afterEvaluate {    // daily build,会自动通过findbugs工具检查代码并输出结果    //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck    task dailyBuild(dependsOn: 'assemble', type: FindBugs) {        ignoreFailures = true        reportLevel = "medium"        classes = files("$project.buildDir/intermediates/classes")// Use this only if you want exclude some errors        excludeFilter = file("findbugs_exclude.xml")        source = fileTree(dir: '../', include: '*/src/main/**/*.java')        classpath = files()        reports {            xml.enabled = true            xml.withMessages = true            html.enabled = !xml.isEnabled()            //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck            xml.destination "$project.buildDir/outputs/findbugs/findbugs-output.xml"            html.destination "$project.buildDir/outputs/findbugs/findbugs-output.html"        }    }    task channelBuild {        String dir = "../repack/" +        String path = dir + "/" + getAppName() + ".apk";        println "-apkPath = " + file(path).getAbsolutePath()        boolean apkRebuild = project.hasProperty("apkRebuild") ?"apkRebuild").toBoolean() : false        println "-apkRebuild = " + apkRebuild        boolean shouldRebuild = apkRebuild || !file(path).exists()        println "shouldRebuild = " + shouldRebuild        if (shouldRebuild) {            //构建build那个包            dependsOn 'assembleRelease' //或者assembleDebug . resguardRelease ....        }        doFirst {            println "doFirst shouldRebuild = " + shouldRebuild            println "doFirst path = " + path            if (shouldRebuild) {                if (file(path).exists()) {                    if (!file(path).delete()) {                        println "delete " + path + " failed"                        throw new RuntimeException("delete " + path + " failed")                    }                } else {                    file(path).getParentFile().mkdirs()                }                //将源发布的app,复制一份到指定的位置 ,originReleaseApk()源app ,  renameTo()就是复制方法 file(path) 目标路径                if (file("$project.buildDir/outputs/apk/release/" + originReleaseApk()).renameTo(file(path))) {                    println "renameTo " + path + " success"                } else {                    println "renameTo " + path + "failed"                    throw new RuntimeException("renameTo " + path + " failed")                }            }        }        doLast {            def localProperties = new File(rootDir, "")            Properties properties = new Properties()            localProperties.withInputStream { instr ->                properties.load(instr)            }            def sdkDir = properties.getProperty('sdk.dir')            // apktool decode            String apktool = "apktool-cli.jar"            String apktoolDecodeDir = dir + "/apktool_decode"            if (shouldRebuild || !file(apktoolDecodeDir).exists()) {                if (!file(apktoolDecodeDir).exists()) {                    if (!file(apktoolDecodeDir).mkdir()) {                        println "mkdir " + apktoolDecodeDir + " failed"                        throw new RuntimeException("mkdir " + apktoolDecodeDir + " failed")                    }                }                println "apktool decode to " + apktoolDecodeDir + " starting......"                exec {                    executable "java"                    args "-jar", apktool, "d", "-f", "-r", "-s", "-o", apktoolDecodeDir, path                }                println "apktool decode to " + apktoolDecodeDir + " end"            }            // for channels            if (!project.hasProperty("channels")) {                println "no channels1"                throw new StopExecutionException()            }            String[] channels ="channels").split(",")            if (channels == null || channels.length == 0) {                println "no channels2"                throw new StopExecutionException()            }            String buildNo = project.hasProperty("buildNo") ?"buildNo") : "undefined"            String buildNoDir = dir + "/" + buildNo            if (!file(buildNoDir).exists()) {                if (!file(buildNoDir).mkdir()) {                    println "mkdir " + buildNoDir + " failed"                    throw new RuntimeException("mkdir " + buildNoDir + " failed")                }            }            String finalName = timeReleaseApkName()            String apktoolBuildTempPath = dir + "/" + finalName + "_unsigned.apk"            String signTempPath = dir + "/" + finalName + "_unaligned.apk"            String[] paths = [apktoolBuildTempPath, signTempPath]            for (String filePath : paths) {                if (file(filePath).exists() && !file(filePath).delete()) {                    println "delete " + filePath + " failed"                    throw new RuntimeException("delete " + filePath + " failed")                }            }            for (String channel : channels) {                String finalApkPath = buildNoDir + "/" + finalName + "_" + channel + ".apk"//                def manifestFile = file(apktoolDecodeDir + "/AndroidManifest.xml")//                println channel + " write to " + manifestFile + " starting..."//                def content = manifestFile.getText()//                def replace = content.replaceAll(/(android:name="UMENG_CHANNEL"\s+android:value=")(\w+)(")/, '$1' + channel + '$3')//                manifestFile.write replace                String channelFilePath = apktoolDecodeDir + "/assets/channel.ini"                println channel + " write to " + channelFilePath + " starting..."                file(channelFilePath).write channel                println apktoolBuildTempPath + " apktool build starting..."                exec {                    executable "java"                    args "-jar", apktool, "b", "-f", "-o", apktoolBuildTempPath, apktoolDecodeDir                }                println signTempPath + " jarsigner sign starting..."                exec {                    executable "jarsigner"                    args "-keystore",,                            "-storepass",,                            "-keypass",,                            "-digestalg", "SHA1",                            "-sigalg", "MD5withRSA",                            "-signedjar", signTempPath,                            apktoolBuildTempPath,                                  }                println finalApkPath + " zipalign align starting..."                exec {                    executable sdkDir + "/build-tools/26.0.2/zipalign"                    args "-f", "4", signTempPath, finalApkPath                }            }        }    }}/** * 通过过滤黑名单,从而得到白名单列表 * @param resNameArr 资源名<数组> * @param blacklist 黑名单<名字开头> * @return 返回白名单列表 */static Iterable disposeBlacklist(String[] resNameArr, String blacklist) {    Iterable arr = new ArrayList<>()    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer()    for (int j = 0; j < resNameArr.length; j++) {        for (int i = 0; i < blacklist.length(); i++) {            sb.setLength(0)            sb.append(blacklist.substring(0, i + 1))            sb.insert(i, "[^")            sb.insert(i + 3, "]")            arr.add("R." + resNameArr[j] + "." + sb.toString() + "*")        }    }    return arr}/*andResGuard资源混淆*/andResGuard {//     mappingFile = file("./resource_mapping.txt")    mappingFile = null    // 当你使用v2签名的时候,7zip压缩是无法生效的。    use7zip = true    useSign = true    // 打开这个开关,会keep住所有资源的原始路径,只混淆资源的名字:一般false    keepRoot = true    //不进行混淆的白名单    String[] resName = [            "anim",            "animator",            "color",            "drawable",            "layout",            "menu",            "mipmap",            "string",            "style",            "item",            "dimen",            "string-array",            "xml",            "id",            "raw"    ]    whiteList = disposeBlacklist(resName, "gyq_")    //设置压缩的资源    compressFilePattern = [            "*.png",            "*.jpg",            "*.jpeg",            "*.gif",            "resources.arsc"    ]    sevenzip {        artifact = ''//        path = "D:/7-Zi/7za.exe"    }    /**     * 可选: 如果不设置则会默认覆盖assemble输出的apk     **///    finalApkBackupPath = "${project.rootDir}/final.apk"    /**     * 可选: 指定v1签名时生成jar文件的摘要算法     * 默认值为“SHA1”     **/    digestalg = "SHA1"}


// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.buildscript {    repositories {        jcenter()        google()    }    dependencies {        classpath ''        classpath ''  //mm:AndResGuard        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong        // in the individual module build.gradle files    }}allprojects {    repositories {        jcenter()        maven {            url ""        }        google()    }}task clean(type: Delete) {    delete rootProject.buildDir}


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