I was stuck with my app, as i am unable to debug as it is a multithreaded one and crashes with error SIGSEGV. I get lot of information on logcat, which gives me addresses in my native library. It'll helpfull if i can convert these addresses into my code.

Does anybody have any idea, how to use addr2line, which is provided with android-ndk?

Let's say that logcat show you the following crash log (this is from one of my projects):

I/DEBUG ( 31):************************************************
/DEBUG ( 31):Build fingerprint:'generic/sdk/generic:2.3/GRH55/79397:eng/test-keys'
/DEBUG ( 31): pid:378, tid:386 >>> com.example.gltest<<<
/DEBUG ( 31): signal11(SIGSEGV), code1(SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr00000000
/DEBUG ( 31): r0001dbdc0 r100000001 r200000000 r300000000
/DEBUG ( 31): r400000000 r540a40000 r64051a480 r742ddbee8
/DEBUG ( 31): r843661b24 r942ddbed0 1042ddbebc fp41e462d8
/DEBUG ( 31): ip00000001 sp436619d0 lr83a12f5d pc8383deb4 cpsr20000010
/DEBUG ( 31): #00 pc 0003deb4 /data/data/com.example.gltest/lib/libnativemaprender.so
/DEBUG ( 31): #01 pc 00039b76 /data/data/com.example.gltest/lib/libnativemaprender.so
/DEBUG ( 31): #02 pc 00017d34 /system/lib/libdvm.so

Look at the last 3 lines; this is your callstack. 'pc' is the program counter, and the pc for stack frame #00 gives you the address where the crash occurred. This is the number to pass to addr2line.

I'm using NDK r5, so the executable I'm using is located at $NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin; make sure that is in your$PATH. The command to use looks like

arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line -C -f -e obj/local/armeabi/libXXX.so <address> 

Or, for the case above:

arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line -C -f -e obj/local/armeabi/libnativemaprender.so 0003deb4 

Which gives you the location of the crash.


  • The -C flag is to demangle C++ code
  • Use the .so file under obj/local/armeabi, since this is the non-stripped version

Also, when using NDK r5 with a 2.3 AVD, it is actually possible to debug multithreaded code.



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