


这个属性设置的是默认安装位置, 共有三个有效值,auto、internalOnly、preferExternal


auto 表示自动,由系统决定安装位置

internalOnly 安装在手机内存

preferExternal 安装在外部存储中

Constant Value Description
auto 0 Let the system decide install location
internalOnly 1 Explicitly request to be installed on internal phone storage only
preferExternal 2 Perfer to be installed on SD card, There is no guarantee that the system will honor this request. The application might end up being installed on internal storage if external media is unavailable or too full

"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      package="com.ray"      android:installLocation="auto"      android:versionCode="1"      android:versionName="1.0">


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