
package cn.deerlands.deerland.mvp.ui.util;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.View;import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnectionWrapper;/** * Created by tu zhen yu on 2017/12/1. * {@link InputConnection} 是输入法和View交互的纽带。 * {@link InputConnectionWrapper} 是 InputConnection 的代理类,可以代理EditText的InputConnection,监听和拦截软键盘的各种输入事件。 * 注:用 {@link View#setOnKeyListener(View.OnKeyListener)} 监听软键盘的按键点击事件对有些键盘无效(比如谷歌输入法), * 最好用InputConnection去监听。 */public class TInputConnection extends InputConnectionWrapper {    private BackspaceListener mBackspaceListener;    /**     * Initializes a wrapper.     * 


Caveat: Although the system can accept {@code (InputConnection) null} in some * places, you cannot emulate such a behavior by non-null {@link InputConnectionWrapper} that * has {@code null} in {@code target}.

* * @param target the {@link InputConnection} to be proxied. * @param mutable set {@code true} to protect this object from being reconfigured to target * another {@link InputConnection}. Note that this is ignored while the target is {@code null}. */ public TInputConnection(InputConnection target, boolean mutable) { super(target, mutable); } public interface BackspaceListener { /** * @return true 代表消费了这个事件 * */ boolean onBackspace(); } /** * 当软键盘删除文本之前,会调用这个方法通知输入框,我们可以重写这个方法并判断是否要拦截这个删除事件。 * 在谷歌输入法上,点击退格键的时候不会调用{@link #sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)}, * 而是直接回调这个方法,所以也要在这个方法上做拦截; * */ @Override public boolean deleteSurroundingText(int beforeLength, int afterLength) { if(mBackspaceListener != null){ if(mBackspaceListener.onBackspace()){ return true; } } return super.deleteSurroundingText(beforeLength, afterLength); } public void setBackspaceListener(BackspaceListener backspaceListener) { this.mBackspaceListener = backspaceListener; } /** * 当在软件盘上点击某些按钮(比如退格键,数字键,回车键等),该方法可能会被触发(取决于输入法的开发者), * 所以也可以重写该方法并拦截这些事件,这些事件就不会被分发到输入框了 * */ @Override public boolean sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { if( event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL && event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN){ if(mBackspaceListener != null && mBackspaceListener.onBackspace()){ return true; } } return super.sendKeyEvent(event); }}

editText class

package cn.deerlands.deerland.mvp.ui.wiget;import android.content.Context;import android.util.AttributeSet;import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatEditText;import cn.deerlands.deerland.mvp.ui.util.TInputConnection;/** * Created by tuzhenyu on 2017/12/21. */public class TEditText extends AppCompatEditText {    private TInputConnection inputConnection;    public TEditText(Context context) {        super(context);        init();    }    public TEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        super(context, attrs);        init();    }    public TEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);        init();    }    private void init() {        inputConnection = new TInputConnection(null, true);    }    /**     * 当输入法和EditText建立连接的时候会通过这个方法返回一个InputConnection。     * 我们需要代理这个方法的父类方法生成的InputConnection并返回我们自己的代理类。     */    @Override    public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {        inputConnection.setTarget(super.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs));        return inputConnection;    }    public void setBackSpaceLisetener(TInputConnection.BackspaceListener backSpaceLisetener) {        inputConnection.setBackspaceListener(backSpaceLisetener);    }}




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                                    

调用class 文件(简单说如 事件分发 return true处理当前退格事件,被用户消耗;return false不处理当前退格事件,交给系统)

 TEditText identify1; private void init() {      identify1 = findViewById(;      identify1.setBackSpaceLisetener(backspaceListener); }  TInputConnection.BackspaceListener backspaceListener = () -> {        if (currentFocusEdit != null                && TextUtils.isEmpty(currentFocusEdit.getText().toString())) { //当前获取焦点的 editText不为空 按返回使上一个框获取焦点            int indexEdit = -1;            for (int i = 0; i < editTexts.size(); i++) {                if (i > 0 && editTexts.get(i).equals(currentFocusEdit)) {                    indexEdit = i;                    break;                }            }                     if (indexEdit != -1) { //找到了需要获取焦点的按钮                for (int i = 0; i < editTexts.size(); i++) {                    TEditText tEditText = editTexts.get(i);                    if (indexEdit == i) { //当前退格失去焦点                        loseFocusable(tEditText,false);                    }                    if (indexEdit - 1 == i) { //退格后获得焦点                        if (currentCode.size() != 0)                            currentCode.remove(currentCode.size() - 1);                        tEditText.setText("");                        loseFocusable(tEditText,true);                    }                }                return true;//表示处理当前退格事件            }        }        return false;//不处理当前退格    };



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