I have class X, class Y and class Z. If X or Y perform specific conditions, they should be put into BlockingQueue. Class Z just takes them from the queue.

我有类X,类Y和类Z.如果X或Y执行特定条件,它们应该被放入BlockingQueue。 Z类只从队列中取出它们。

I know that creating something like this:


BlockingQueue<X,Y> BQueue=new ArrayBlockingQueue<X,Y>(length);

is illegal. How to make it properly?


2 个解决方案


The simplest way is to allow the BlockingQueue accept any object type:


BlockingQueue<Object> q = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(length);

then, on take() operation, you just look of what particular class the object is:


Object o = q.take();
if (o instanceof X) {
    X x = (X) o;
    // do work with x
} else if (o instanceof Y) {
    Y y = (Y) o;
    // do work with y
} else {
    // o is neither X nor Y

If X and Y are inherited from common class or implement common interface, make your queue more specific:


BlockingQueue<XYInterface> q = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(length);


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