原文首发: http://www.laozizhu.com/view.jsp?articleId=153


What is PyLucene ?

PyLucene is a Python extension for accessing Java Lucene. Its goal is to allow you to use Lucene's text indexing and searching capabilities from Python. It is API compatible with the latest version of Java Lucene, version 2.4.0 as of October 19th, 2008.
PyLucene是一个Python用来方位Java Lucene的扩展,目标是允许在Python里使用Lucene的文本索引和搜索能力。它兼容最新的Java Lucene 2.4.0(2008年10月19日出版) 的API.

PyLucene is built with JCC, a C++ code generator that makes it possible to call into Java classes from Python via Java's Native Invocation Interface (JNI). Sources for JCC are included with the PyLucene sources.
PyLucene用JCC编写,JCC是一个 C++的代码生成工具,可以让Python通过JNI来调用Java的类。 PyLucene的源代码包含了 JCC的源代码。

See the README file for more information and documentation about PyLucene.


PyLucene is supported on Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris and Windows.
PyLucene 支持Mac OS X,Linux, Solaris 和 Windows.

PyLucene requires Python version 2.x (x >= 3.5) and Java version 1.x (x >= 4). Building PyLucene requires GNU Make, a recent version of Ant capable of building Java Lucene and a C++ compiler. Use of setuptools is recommended.

PyLucene需要 Python 2.3.5 及以上版本以及 Java 1.4及版本以上。 编译PyLucene需要GNU的Make, 最新版本的 Ant兼容的Java Lucene和一个 C++编译器。 建议使用 setuptools.

See the JCC INSTALL file for more information about building JCC from sources.
查看JCC的 INSTALL文件来获得更多的关于从源代码构建JCC的信息。

See the PyLucene INSTALL file for more information about building PyLucene from sources.
查看 PyLucene的 INSTALL文件来获得更多的从源代码构建PyLucene的信息。

08 Jan 2009 - PyLucene joins Apache Lucene as a Subproject
2009年1月8日,PyLucene加入了Apache Lucene,成为一个子项目。

The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the arrival of PyLucene as a Lucene subproject. PyLucene was previously hosted at the Open Source Applications Foundation since its inception in early 2004.
Lucene PMC 很高兴宣布PyLucene作为Lucene子项目的到来。PyLucene在2004年后存在于 Open Source Application Foundation.

Lucene Project Management Committee (PMC)
Like all Apache projects Lucene has a PMC that is responsible for the oversight and management the Lucene project. Lucene consists of several sub-projects, each of which have their own diverse communities and distinct groups of committers. The PMC relies on the guidance of the committers from each sub-project, particularly in regards to voting on releases, and in nominating new committers.

PMC members have karma for the all Lucene code, but as a general rule avoid making changes to sub-projects unless they have explicitly been made a committer of that sub-project by a vote of the PMC.
PMC Members

(in alphabetical order):

* Andrzej Bialecki <ab>
* Michael Busch <buschmi>
* Doug Cutting <cutting>
* Scott Ganyo <scottganyo>
* Otis Gospodnetic <otis>
* Mark Harwood <mharwood>
* Erik Hatcher <ehatcher>
* Chris Hostetter <hossman>
* Grant Ingersoll <gsingers>
* Mike Klaas <klaas>
* Mike McCandless <mikemccand>
* Ryan McKinley <ryan>
* Daniel Naber <dnaber>
* Yonik Seeley <yonik>
* Sami Siren <siren>

Emeritus PMC Members

* Christoph Goller


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