Am developing a rest webservice using Jersey.Am slightly new to webservices. I need to pass List of customer as input to rest webservice. having issue in achieving it.

我正在使用Jersey.Am开发一个休息网络服务,这对于webservices来说是一个新的东西。我需要将客户列表作为输入传递给rest webservice。在实现它时遇到了问题。

Below is my customer object class


public class customer {
private String customerId;
private String customerName;

And my endpoint is as below. addCust is the method that will be called on calling the webservice

我的终点如下。 addCust是调用webservice时调用的方法

    public String addCust(@Valid customer[] customers){

    //And json input is as below

But jersey is not able to convert json array to Array of Customers. It is returning 400. And the logs shows "no viable alternative at c". How to pass Json array as input to webservice and convert into Array or ArrayList. Any help appreciated.


1 个解决方案



Your json is invalid, field names should be always double quotted, and arrays are placed inside [] for example:



thats why jackson cannot unmarshall it. But this json will never fit your api. Here is an example of what You should send:



Another thing is that You can use collections instead of arrays:


public String addCust(@Valid List<Customer> customers){

If you want to send a json like this:



then you have to wrap everything into class with "customers" property:


class AddCustomersRequest {
  private List<Customer> customers;

  public void setCustomers(List<Customer> customers) {
      this.customers = customers;

  public void getCustomers() {
     return this.customers;

And use it in Your API:


public String addCust(@Valid AddCustomersRequest customersReq){


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