In Java we can resolve a variable's class through getClass() like something.getClass(). In Kotlin I am aware of something.javaClass which is nice but I want to be able to get the KClass in a similar way. I've seen the Something::class syntax but this is not what I need. I need to get the KClass of a variable. Does such functionality exist?


2 个解决方案



The easiest way to achieve this since Kotlin 1.1 is the class reference syntax:

实现这一点的最简单方法是,Kotlin 1.1是类引用语法:


If you use Kotlin 1.0, you can convert the obtained Java class to a KClass instance by calling the .kotlin extension property:

如果使用Kotlin 1.0,可以通过调用.kotlin扩展属性将获得的Java类转换为KClass实例:



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