I do a lot of batch processing work using an in house Java framework. One of the activities that is particularly troublesome for us is SFTP where we run into two problems:


  1. Sending files to multiple destinations, where if one destination is unavailable the entire process stops.
  2. 将文件发送到多个目标,如果一个目标不可用,则整个过程停止。

  3. No automatic retries, where some network hiccup causes the batch process to stop.
  4. 没有自动重试,其中一些网络打嗝导致批处理停止。

Currently, we use Control-M for storing all of the SFTP related information:


  1. Host & Path of From & To
  2. From&To的主持人和路径

  3. PGP key information
  4. PGP密钥信息

  5. Username & password
  6. 用户名密码

While it's certainly possible to do something with Control-M to solve these problems, I find it a cumbersome beast. I am looking for suggestions on a way of abstracting file transfer so that a batch process can generate a file, put it into some local folder, and decouple the transfer to the destination(s) in a robust fashion, whilst providing alerting/reporting when things go wrong without stopping.


In particular I am looking for anything that does this off the shelf as opposed to having to write such a tool myself.



  • Solaris 10
  • Java 6
  • Oracle 11
  • Control-M 7

1 个解决方案



  • JScape SFTP is an enterprise-level commercial SFTP system.
  • JScape SFTP是一种企业级商用SFTP系统。

  • Aspera is an enterprise file transfer system which is much faster than SFTP; good for large files.
  • Aspera是一个企业文件传输系统,比SFTP快得多;适合大文件。

  • Signiant is another enterprise file transfer and workflow system. It's similar in speed to Aspera.
  • Signiant是另一种企业文件传输和工作流系统。它的速度与Aspera相似。


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