java 6 有通配符 , 即使不是java 6 也可以根据 shell的强大功能自动实现 批量

可以替代 ant 了 ,麻烦;;


以前用ant :


java -cp "/home/work/dataio/WEB-INF/lib/*" Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The validated expression is false at org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.isTrue( at ========= 结合eclipse的 remote project ( 先学会如何创建 create remote project ,再 到 java 视图下 , 右键项目 , 到 facets , 修改成 java 项目 ) , 可以实现linux 启动 debug 编辑 java ;; 不用再羡慕vim ;; 不用再怕直接调试linux的麻烦 ;; 彻底摆脱部署噩梦 ,执行噩梦;; 彻底摆脱编译噩梦;(依靠svn 同步代码, 但linux上编译整个项目 如何编译呢? ) 彻底摆脱要依靠hudson 自动部署,( 手工部署A1 .先windos编译 2. scp到linux( 这个过程超级麻烦 ,打包 , sz 手工部署B, 1 先ci代码 2.用svn下载下来, 3.然后借助ant 或者maven 进行 依赖编译 多个java ) ; maven+svn解决了轻量级更新代码+ compile 依赖控制; 或者借助于ant编译普通java项目;; 从此 java 也是 解释性语言, 而且方便的 import 管理 ,比 python等语言高端不少 ; 不用再羡慕 python , 也不要羡慕vim的超多高级功能 ==============================

If using Java 6 or later, classpath wildcards are a part of the JVM.

-cp "Test.jar;lib/*" my.package.MainClass

Key gotchas:

  1. Use quotes
  2. Use*only, not*.jar

The above example and gotchas are from other answers on this page. (Thanks davorp et al & Wim Deblauwe)

From theClasspathdocument section entitled,Understanding class path wildcards:

Class path entries can contain the basename wildcard character*, which is considered equivalent to specifying a list of all the files in the directory with the extension.jaror.JAR. For example, the class path entryfoo/*specifies all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath entry consisting simply of*expands to a list of all the jar files in the current directory.

A class path entry that contains*will not match class files. To match both classes and JAR files in a single directory foo, use eitherfoo;foo/*orfoo/*;foo. The order chosen determines whether the classes and resources infooare loaded before JAR files infoo, or vice versa.

Subdirectories are not searched recursively. For example,foo/*looks for JAR files only infoo, not infoo/bar,foo/baz, etc.

The order in which the JAR files in a directory are enumerated in the expanded class path is not specified and may vary from platform to platform and even from moment to moment on the same machine. A well-constructed application should not depend upon any particular order. If a specific order is required then the JAR files can be enumerated explicitly in the class path.

Expansion of wildcards is done early, prior to the invocation of a program's main method, rather than late, during the class-loading process itself. Each element of the input class path containing a wildcard is replaced by the (possibly empty) sequence of elements generated by enumerating the JAR files in the named directory. For example, if the directoryfoocontainsa.jar,b.jar, andc.jar, then the class pathfoo/*is expanded intofoo/a.jar;foo/b.jar;foo/c.jar, and that string would be the value of the system propertyjava.class.path.

TheCLASSPATHenvironment variable is not treated any differently from the-classpath(or-cp) command-line option. That is, wildcards are honored in all these cases. However, class path wildcards are not honored in theClass-Path

If you cannot use wildcards,bashallows the following syntax (wherelibis the directory containing all the Java archive files):

-cp $(echo lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':')

(Note that using a classpath is incompatible with the-jaroption. See also:Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt)

Pasted from:<>


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